Use these tables to map data between App Control and LEEF.

The tables below provide the following LEEF-App Control mapping information:

Table 1. Mapping of App Control Event Data to LEEF Header Fields
LEEF Prefix Field App Control Value Description
Hostname Hostname Hostname of the App Control Server providing the Syslog output
LEEF Version 1.0 LEEF format version. By default this is 1.0.
Vendor Carbon Black The company name of the Syslog output provider.
Product* Protection The name of the product generating Syslog output.
Version The version of the product generating Syslog output, including the build number (represented here by “xxx”). The current App Control version is 8.5.0.
EventID Event subtype name Unique name identifying the event subtype as classified by Carbon Black App Control.
Attributes (varies) See Mapping of App Control Event Fields to LEEF Attributes.
Table 2. Mapping of App Control Event Fields to LEEF Attributes
LEEF Attribute (name in RAW view) LEEF Property (Visible name in Console) Regular Expression (to Extract) App Control Event Field Description
cat Category Event Type App Control event category name
sev Severity Severity

Severity of the App Control event.

Mapped from App Control range 7-0 (0 is most important) into LEEF range 1-10 (10 = most important)

devTime Device Time Event Timestamp Timestamp (UTC) when App Control event was generated; Converted to local time when displayed as “Log Source Time” in QRadar events view
receivedTime1 Received Time receivedTime=([^\t]+)[\t]* Received Time Timestamp (UTC) when the event was received by the App Control Server
msg1 Message msg=([^\t]+)[\t]* Event Description Full message describing the event
externalID1 External ID externalId=([^\t]+)[\t]* Event Id Unique identifier of the event instance
src2 Source Address Ip Address IP (IPv4) address of the computer generating the event
srcHostName1,2 Source Hostname srcHostName=([^\t]+)[\t]* Hostname Hostname of the computer generating the event
srcProcess1,2 Source Process srcProcess=([^\t]+)[\t]* Process Name of the process generating the event
usrName2 Username Username Username of the user generating the event
filePath1,2 File Path filePath=([^\t]+)[\t]* File Path Full path of the file generating the event
fileName1,2 Filename fileName=([^\t]+)[\t]* File Name Filename of the file generating the event
fileHash1,2 File Hash fileHash=([^\t]+)[\t]* File Hash SHA256 hash of file generating the event
fileId1,2 File ID fileId=([^\t]+)[\t]* Antibody Id Unique identifier of file generating the event
rootHash1,2 Root Hash



Root Hash Root hash of the file generating the event
installerFileName1,2 Installer Filename installerFileName=([^\t]+)[\t]* Installer Filename Installer filename of the file generating the event
banName1,2 Ban Name banName=([^\t]+)[\t]* Ban Name

For block events, name of the ban that blocked the file.

Change Notes: This was “ruleName” prior to 7.0.1 Patch 3.

ruleName1,2 Rule Name ruleName=([^\t]+)[\t]* Rule Name Name of the rule associated with the event (if any)
updaterName1,2 Updater Name updaterName=([^\t]+)[\t]* Updater Name Name of the Updater associated with the event (if any)
indicatorName indicatorName


Indicator Name Name of the threat indicator associated with the event (if any)
policy1,2 Policy policy=([^\t]+)[\t]* Policy App Control Policy of the computer generating the event
dstHostName1 Destination Hostname dstHostName=([^\t]+)[\t]* Hostname App Control Server computer receiving the event
processKey Process Key processKey=([^\t]+)[\t]* Process Key Unique proprietary key identifying the instance of the process on a specific computer
fileTrust File Trust fileTrust=([^\t]+)[\t]* File Trust

File trust from Carbon Black File Reputation of the file associated with the event. Pending implies that file lookup was not yet performed but will be. (Conditional)

-2 pending

-1 unknown

0-10 Trust value

fileThreat File Threat fileThreat=([^\t]+)[\t]* File Threat

File threat from Carbon Black File Reputation of the file associated with the event. Pending implies that file lookup was not yet performed but will be. (Conditional)

-2 pending

-1 unknown

0 No threat

1 Potential risk

2 Malicious

processTrust Process Trust processTrust=([^\t]+)[\t]* Process Trust

Parent process trust from Carbon Black File Reputation of file associated with the event. Pending implies that file lookup was not yet performed but will be. (Conditional)

-2 pending

-1 unknown

0-10 Trust value

processThreat Process Threat processThreat=([^\t]+)[\t]* Process Threat

Parent process threat from Carbon Black File Reputation of file associated with the event. Pending implies that file lookup was not yet performed but will be. (Conditional)

-2 pending

-1 unknown

0 No threat

1 Potential risk

2 Malicious

unifiedSource Unified Source unifiedSource=([^\t]+)[\t]* Unified Server Source Hostname of the Unified Server (if implemented) that is the source of an event

1 These are custom LEEF attributes for App Control event fields with no predefined attribute name in LEEF. You must use the regular expressions next to each of these items to extract it as a custom attribute. See Manual Setup of App Control Custom Properties for instructions.

2 These LEEF Extensions are context-dependent and not available on all events.