In addition to the connection, browser, and screen requirements described in previous sections, you will need a Carbon Black App Control username and password to log in to the console.


  1. From a supported web browser, enter the URL for the App Control Server name you chose during installation, usually the server’s fully qualified domain name or a configured alias:
  2. If you see a certificate dialog, accept the digital certificate presented for the server. A certificate is required by the web server to support SSL and HTTPS connections.
    • If you provided one at installation time, your company’s certificate appears. Otherwise, you see a self-signed certificate created during server installation. You can accept the Carbon Black certificate without compromising security.
    • If your browser displays a warning about the certificate, you can safely ignore the warning and click through the remaining confirmation screens

    To avoid future certificate warnings:

    • In Firefox, accept the certificate permanently.
    • In Internet Explorer, click through the warning, click the Certificate Error button in the IE toolbar, and install the self-signed certificate.
    • In Safari, click Show Certificate on the warning and check the Always for the App Control Console certificate, and click Continue.

    The console login screen appears:

    The Carbon Black App Control console login page

  3. Enter your user name and password. For first-time login, enter the default user name ( admin) and password ( admin). For security, change the default password according to the instructions in Changing Passwords and Other Account Details.
  4. Click the Log In button.

    The console Home page appears. The first time any user logs in to the console after installation, there may be a noticeable delay in display of the Home Page. Subsequent logins will be faster for all users.

    Note: UNIFIED MANAGEMENT: If you have multiple App Control Servers and enable Unified Management, you can use single sign-on from the management server to access its client servers. See Unified Management of Multiple Servers