The Dashboards page includes a complete list of available dashboards and controls to manage them.

The Dashboard List page

The following table shows the dashboard-specific actions that are available on this page – see also Creating, Editing and Managing Dashboards for similar commands that are available when you are on a dashboard.

Table 1. Dashboard List Buttons and Links

Button or Link


Add Dashboard

Opens the Edit Dashboard page, where you can enter data for creating and configuring a new dashboard. See Create a Dashboard for more details.

The View Dashboard icon View Dashboard

Click this button to display the dashboard. See Using and Customizing Dashboards for an overview.

The Copy Dashboard icon Copy Dashboard

Copies the portlets and other settings for the current dashboard to a new dashboard opens the Edit Dashboard page. See Copy a Dashboard for more details.

The Edit Dashboard icon Edit Dashboard

Opens the Edit Dashboard page so you can modify the dashboard. See Edit a Dashboard for more details

The Delete Dashboard icon Delete Dashboard

Deletes the dashboard. See Delete a Dashboard for more information. Not available on the Home Page.

Dashboard Name

Click a dashboard name in the list to display the dashboard.