In the Indicator Sets table, clicking on the View Details button next to the name of a set opens the Indicator Set Details page for that set.

This page includes:

  • Key details about the Indicator Set, including its name, version, and history.
  • Radio buttons and check boxes for enabling and disabling the Indicator Set, and for specifying the policies in which the set is active.
  • An Exceptions panel that shows any exceptions to the Indicator Set and allows them to be enabled, disabled, and deleted.
  • Recent Events link in the Related Views menu that opens the Events page filtered to show recent events involving this Indicator Set.
  • Two links in the Related Views menu that show all computers that have received the rule to enable the Indicator Set, or all computers that have not received the rule.

The Indicator Set Details

The following table shows the available fields in the Indicator Sets table and the Indicator Set Details page.

Table 1. Indicator Set Parameters



Indicator Set Name

Name of the Indicator Set. Names are assigned when shipped, and include the platform and general purpose of the ATIs in the set.


The version of this Indicator Set. If new versions have been downloaded from the Carbon Black File Reputation, the version number increments.

CL Version

The Carbon Black App Control configlist in which this Indicator Set is enabled. This field is blank if the Indicator Set is not enabled. You can use this field (and the Related Views menu) to determine which endpoints have received this rule.

Status (Details page)

Enabled (Table)

On the Details page, Status radio buttons make this Indicator Set Enabled or Disabled. In the Indicator Sets table, the Enabled field shows Yes or No.


Platform (Windows, macOS, or Linux) for which this Indicator Set is effective.

Rule Applies To (Details page)

Policy (Table)

On the Details page, the radio buttons allow you to apply the rule to All policies or Selected policies. If you select Selected policies, a list of all policies on your Carbon Black App Control Server displays, each with a check box.

In the Indicator Sets table, the Policy field shows the policies for which the set is activated.

Date Created

Date and time this Indicator Set was first seen on this Carbon Black App Control Server.

Date Updated

Date and time this Indicator Set was last updated to a new version. If there have been no updates to this Indicator Set, this is the same as Date Created.

Date Modified

Date and time of the last user-initiated change to the Indicator Set configuration. This includes enabling or disabling the Indicator Set, and changes to the policies to which it applies.

Last Modified By

Console user who made the most recent change to editable parameters of this Indicator Set

Exceptions Panel

(Details page only)

On the Details page, this panel lists any exceptions made for this Indicator Set. See Indicator Set Exceptions for more about exceptions, and Indicator Set Exception Details for a description of Indicator Set Exception parameters.