The More Details tab shows additional details from the current external notification – the information included on this tab varies according to the type of the notification.

The following table shows the possible fields.

Table 1. More Details Tab Fields



Malware type

Type of malware as reported in external notification; may be the same as Type in the External Notifications table or a more specific type, such as Backdoor, HackTool, Trojan, etc.




Application targeted

HTTP Header

HTTP header(s) reported by an external notification for a web infection

Show XML Details

Opens a new browser tab with full XML notification from the external network security device. This alert is read from a file stored on the server (inside a “store” subfolder).

Note: Very large XML files may cause browser performance and navigation issues when you use this link to open them. One alternative is to right-click on the link and Save Target/Link As to a location where you can open the file with a different viewer.