The Windows Agent provides a custom YARA module, CBEP. The module provides attributes which contain useful information about files that are being scanned. You can use the examples of the attributes that are provided here in your YARA rules, and combine them to form complex rules, as required.

You can use attributes that relate to files, processes, signatures, volumes, and devices in your YARA rules.

  • Hashes are calculated in YARA using lower case.
  • == and contains string comparisons in YARA are case-sensitive.

CBEP Schema Version Attribute

Table 1. CBEP Schema Version Attribute
Attribute Namespace Availability Description Type Example and Comments
schema_version Both The CBEP schema version. Integer
cbep.schema_version >= 1. 

The schema version is incremented when YARA attributes are added or removed. The initial value is 1.

File-related Attributes

Table 2. File-related Attributes
Attribute Namespace Availability Description Type Example and Comments
filename Both The full path to the file. String
cbep.analysis.file.filename contains "cmd.exe"
sha256 Classify The SHA-256 hash of the file contents. String
cbep.analysis.file.sha256 == "6f88fb88ffb0f1d5465c2826e5b4f523598b1b8378377c8378ffebc171bad18b"
sha1 Classify The SHA-1 hash of the file contents. String
cbep.analysis.file.sha1 == "7c3d7281e1151fe4127923f4b4c3cd36438e1a12"
md5 Classify The MD5 hash of the file contents. String
cbep.analysis.file.md5 == "f5ae03de0ad60f5b17b82f2cd68402fe"
publisher Classify The publisher of the file. This is available only if the file is signed. String
cbep.analysis.file.publisher contains "Microsoft"
in_td Both The file is in a trusted directory. Integer
cbep.in_td == 1

The possible values are 0 (not in a trusted directory) or 1 (in a trusted directory).

type Both The reason why the file is being analyzed. String
cbep.analysis.type contains "Kernel"

The possible values are: "Kernel", "Initialization", "IntegrityCheck", "Trickle Complete", "Level2 Complete", "MSICallback", "TrustedDirCheck", "NotifierResponse", "LoadedImageCheck", "ProcessStart", "AnalysisTypeAutoStartFile", "InstallDirCheck", "DatabaseCorrections", "DownloadedFile", "USNRecord", "OSUpgradeComplete", "UnitTest", or "ForcedDeletion".

operation Both If a file analysis is triggered from the kernel, the attribute contains the operation involved. String
cbep.analysis.operation contains "Write"

The possible values are: "Don't Care", "Open", "Open/Execute", "Open/Write", "Read", "Write", "Delayed Write", "Delete", "Execute", "Rename", "Cleanup", "Create", "Script Execute", "Process Create", "Process Terminate", "Image Load", "ScriptExecute+Delete", "Permissions Change", "Ownership Change", "LockFile", "Cleanup w/ delete pending", "MmapRead", "MmapWrite", "Image Enum", or "ChangeFileType".

Process-related Attributes

The last process that modified a file is tracked, and this information can be used in YARA rules. Information about the ancestors of the writing process, such as parent and grandparent, is usually available, depending on when the file was written and whether it was tracked. Even if the parent process no longer exists, usually the chain can be reconstructed by using the cache.

In the following examples:
  • process[0] refers to the writing process.
  • process[1] is the parent of the writing process.
  • process[2] is the grandparent of the writing process.
  • System is the last process in the array, when it is possible to retrace the processes that far.
Table 3. Process-related Attributes
Attribute Namespace Availability Description Type Example and Comments Both The account name under which the process is running. String
cbep.analysis.process[0] contains "al"
user.sid Both The account SID under which the process is running. String
cbep.analysis.process[0].user.sid == "S-1-5-18"
file.filename Both The full path to the main process executable. String
cbep.analysis.process[0].file.filename contains "explorer"
file.sha256 Both The SHA-256 hash of the process executable. String
cbep.analysis.process[0].file.sha256 == "c3159f629b9e989ee354834aa5a6a9af146b8bd1c07204e6ed9e94c96f2509fb"
file.publisher Both The publisher of the process executable. This is only available for signed processes. String
cbep.analysis.process[0].file.publisher contains "Microsoft"
cmdline Both The full command line of the process. String
cbep.analysis.process[0].cmdline contains "first"
browser Both The process is a Web browser. Integer

The possible values are 0 (not a Web browser) or 1 (a Web browser).

email_client Both The process is an email client. Integer

The possible values are 0 (not an email client) or 1 (an email client).

script_interpreter Both The process is a script interpreter. Integer

The possible values are 0 (not a script interpreter) or 1 (a script interpreter).

trusted Both The process is promoted. Files written from a promoted process are automatically approved. Integer

The possible values are 0 (not promoted) or 1 (promoted).

never_trust Both The process can be promoted. Some processes, such as browser processes, should never be promoted. Integer

The possible values are 0 (cannot be promoted) or 1 (can be promoted).

tags Both The classification tags for this process. String
cbep.analysis.process[0].tags contains "nevertrust"
process_depth Both The number of processes in the process array. This may be less than the actual number of processes in the chain because it may not be possible to trace back to the System process. Integer
cbep.analysis.process_depth == 1
combined_state Both The overall approval state of the file. This is calculated from local, global, and publisher information. String
cbep.analysis.process[0].file.combined_state contains “Locally”

The possible values are: "Invalid", "Approved", "Unapproved (Persisted)", "Banned", "Locally Approved", "Banned by Name", "Banned by Name (Report Only)", "Locally Approved (Auto)", "Trusted", "Inactive", "File Exists", "Approved", "Trusted (Top Level)", "Banned by Hash (Report Only)", "Unapproved", or "Uninteresting".

Signing attributes Both Process attributes include signing information for the main executable, similar to what is provided for the file under scan.

For information, see General Signature-related Attributes and Signing and Timestamping Signature-related Attributes.

General Signature-related Attributes

General signing attributes are available for both files and processes.

Table 4. General Signature-related Attributes
Attribute Description Type Example and Comments
signature_time The signing time, expressed as a Unix Epoch time. Integer
cbep.analysis.file.signature.signature_time == 1617926400

For reference, see

signature_error Errors found during signature validation, expressed as a bitmask. These values are CERT_TRUST_* error codes, as provided by Microsoft in the CERT_TRUST_STATUS structure. Caution is required as not all errors are treated as fatal by Carbon Black App Control. Integer
cbep.analysis.file.signature.signa ture_error & ~0x01000041) != 0

For reference, see CERT_TRUST_STATUS structure.

detached Indicates whether the signature is embedded in the file or catalog-signed and detached from the file. Integer
cbep.analysis.file.signature.detached == 0

The possible values are 0 (embedded) or 1 (catalog-signed). If the file is not signed, detached will be 0.

meets_cb_requirements The signature meets the configurable requirements for supported algorithms, public key size, certificate validity periods, timestamping, and so on. Integer

The possible values are 0 (does not meet requirements) or 1 (meets requirements).

Signing and Timestamping Signature-related Attributes

For signed files and processes, a single code-signing certificate chain and a single timestamping certificate chain are available for use in YARA rules. This is the case even if a file has multiple signers.

The first entry in the certificate array is the leaf certificate.
The next entry is the issuer of the leaf certificate, and so on. In some cases, there may not be access to the full chain.
Table 5. Signing and Timestamping Signature-related Attributes
Attribute Description Type Example and Comments
serial The serial number of a certificate. String
cbep.analysis.file.signature.codesigning_chain[0].cert[0].serial == "0c1cd3eea47edda7a032573b014d0afd"
cbep.analysis.file.signature.timestamp_chain[0].cert[0].serial == "0a7a4a889ec99942900663384d86979d"
issuer The issuer of a certificate. This is the common name (CN) only. String
cbep.analysis.file.signature.codesigning_chain[0].cert[0].issuer == "DigiCert SHA2 Assured"
publisher The subject of a certificate. This is the common name (CN) only. String
cbep.analysis.file.signature.codesigning_chain[0].cert[0].publisher contains "Microsoft"
sha1_thumbprint The SHA-1 thumbprint hash of the certificate. String
cbep.analysis.file.signature.codesigning_chain[0].cert[0].sha1_thumbprint == "1326b39c3d5d2ca012f66fb439026f7b59cb1974"
valid_from_time The certificate validity start time, expressed as a Unix Epoch time. Integer
cbep.analysis.file.signature.codesigning_chain[0].cert[0].valid_from_time == 1617926400

For reference, see

valid_to_time The certificate validity end time, expressed as a Unix Epoch time. Integer
cbep.analysis.file.signature.timestamp_chain[0].cert[0].valid_to_time == 1994457599

For reference, see

validation_error Errors found during certificate validation. Integer
cbep.analysis.file.signature.timestamp_chain[0].cert[0].validation_error & ~0x01000041) != 0

For more details, see signature_error in General Signature-related Attributes.

Volume-related Attributes

Information is available about the volume on which a file resides. You can use the dascli devices command to see the information collected.

Table 6. Volume-related Attributes
Attribute Description Type Examples and Comments
volume.guid The GUID of the volume where the file resides. String
cbep.analysis.volume.guid == "da156407-d07a-4f9b-a8ee-7c583c8ef8d1"
volume.system_volume The file resides on the system volume. This is the volume that contains the system directory. Integer
cbep.analysis.volume.system_volume == 1

The possible values are 0 (does not reside) or 1 (resides).

volume.harddisk The file resides on a fixed hard disk. Integer
cbep.analysis.volume.harddisk == 1

The possible values are 0 (does not reside) or 1 (resides).

volume.cdrom The file resides on a CD-ROM. Integer
cbep.analysis.volume.cdrom == 1

The possible values are 0 (does not reside) or 1 (resides).

volume.removable The file resides on a removable volume. Integer
cbep.analysis.volume.removable == 1

The possible values are 0 (does not reside) or 1 (resides).

volume.remote Indicates whether the file resides remotely or locally. Integer
cbep.analysis.volume.remote == 1

The possible values are 0 (locally) or 1 (remotely).

Device-related Attributes

Information is available about the device on which a file resides. You can use the dascli devices command to see the information collected.

Table 7. Device-related Attributes
Attribute Description Type Examples and Comments The friendly name of the device where the file resides, for example, "INTEL SS DSC2BF480A5 SCSI Disk Device". String contains "VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device"
device.manufacturer The manufacturer of the device where the file resides, for example, "INTEL_SS". String
cbep.analysis.device.manufacturer contains "VMWARE"
device.serial The serial number of the device where the file resides. This is not the volume serial number. The length and format varies depending on the manufacturer. String
cbep.analysis.device.serial == "5&1EC51BF7&0&000000"
device.model The model of the device where the file resides, for example, "DSC2BF480A5". String
cbep.analysis.device.model contains "VIRTUAL_DISK"