The Computers page in the Carbon Black App Control console provides an Upgrade Status column visual distinction between computers running up-to-date agents and those running previous versions.

Also on this page, the Connected column uses different color dots to indicate different agent conditions. Hovering the mouse over the dot provides a text description of the condition. See "Computer Details" in the Carbon Black App Control User Guide for more information about these indicators.

Computer details page showing the connected computers and the upgrade statues of each computer

In addition, the Upgrade Status column in the Computers table shows a more detailed description of agent status as each agent goes through the upgrade process. Endpoints transition to an Upgrade Status and Policy Status of Up to date when all their upgrade processing has been completed.

An upgraded agent begins running immediately. You usually do not need to reboot the agent computer, but there are cases in which you may see an Upgrade Status is Reboot required:

  • Some Windows XP/2003 systems must be rebooted after upgrade to assure proper ordering of processes and enforcement of rules on systems using DFS.
  • On any Windows version, if a file is in use by another process when the agent installer attempts to write that file, you must reboot the endpoint to allow the system to replace the old file with the current version.

The following table shows possible Upgrade Status values.

Table 1. Upgrade Status Messages
Upgrade Status Description
Not Requested Agent can be upgraded but upgrades are not enabled for the policy, or they are turned off globally.
Upgrade waiting Agent can be upgraded and is in a policy that allows upgrade. Waiting to be scheduled by server.
Upgrade scheduled Agent has been scheduled for upgrade, or computer has downloaded the upgrade package and not run it yet. Note that the server does not track when the agent upgrade package is downloaded and run.
Upgrade requested An agent upgrade for this computer was requested from the console.
Reboot required Agent is waiting for a reboot after upgrade. Reboot is required only under certain conditions.
Not supported Agent cannot be upgraded because the computer is running Windows 2000 or another operating system that is not supported for the current agent.
Upgrade blocked Agent configuration list is not up-to-date and is missing one or more values required for a successful upgrade. One example of this is use of an out-of-date port number for communication with the Carbon Black App Control server. Agent cannot upgrade through the server until the configuration is up-to-date, but can be upgraded through other means. In most cases, a connected agent will eventually reach the required configuration list version without intervention. Prioritizing the agent for updates (on the Computer Details page Action menu) expedites configuration list updates. If an agent still remains in "Upgrade blocked" for an extended period, contact Carbon Black Support.
Up to date Agent upgrade (or new installation) has been completed.
Agent uninstalled Agent was on this endpoint but has been uninstalled.