After new agents are available on the Carbon Black App Control server, there are several ways to upgrade the agent on endpoints.

  • Enable automatic agent upgrades on a per-policy basis, thereby allowing the server to manage the upgrade process.
  • From the Carbon Black App Control console, initiate agent upgrades on one or more specific endpoints.
  • Manually upgrade agents on the endpoint.
  • Use your standard software distribution system to manage upgrades.

Beginning with Carbon Black App Control 8.1.4, agent installers and the rule file that determines their behavior are no longer included as part of an Carbon Black App Control server installation. You must upload the rule file and agent installer packages separately after you install the server.

See Uploading Agent Installers and Rules to the Server for details on uploading agent rule files and installer packages.

Important: Carbon Black App Control supports installation of agents only on systems listed in the following operating environment requirements guides: