To update the initial configuration of the Sensor Gateway OVA installation, use the Sensor Gateway (SGW) Configurator tool.

As a system administrator, you can use the tool to update appliance settings and restart the Sensor Gateway to apply the new configuration. Carbon Black recommends that you use the configurator tool if the Sensor Gateway deployment fails.

Some settings in the SGW configurator tool have dependencies. When changing such a field, you must update its dependent fields as well. The following table lists the fields you can update with the configurator and their dependencies.

Sensor Gateway Setting Dependent Sensor Gateway Settings Notes
CBC URL API ID, API Secret Key If you change the Carbon Black Cloud URL, update the API ID and API secret key only if the Sensor Gateway is already registered with Carbon Black Cloud; that is, there is an existing Carbon Black Cloud URL and generated API ID.
API ID API Secret Key If you generated the API secret key from a different environment, update the Carbon Black Cloud URL to point to that environment.
API Secret Key None -
Entry Point URL API ID, API Secret Key, and certificates If you change the Sensor Gateway entry point, re-enter the entire content of the certificate.
Proxy Type None -
Proxy Host Proxy Certificate

Required when proxy type is set to HTTPS.

Proxy Port None -


  1. Log in to the Sensor Gateway appliance using admin credentials.
  2. Run the configurator command:
    $ configure-sgw
    The SGW Configurator terminal opens.
  3. Update the settings under General Settings or TLS settings.
    For example, if you must update the connection to the Carbon Black Cloud, enter the new Carbon Black Cloud URL in the related field.
    If you enter an invalid value, an error message displays and provides a suggestion for a valid input. If you enter a valid URL, a success message displays.
  4. To return to the main menu, click Back.
  5. Optional. Repeat Step 3 to update required values.
  6. Click Save and Quit.
  7. Review the updated values and confirm your changes.
  8. Optional. Repeat step 3 to update any of the required values.


The SGW Configurator tool restarts the Sensor Gateway service with the updated configuration.

What to do next

To access the log file and view summary of all your configuration changes, run the following command:
$ vim /opt/vmware/sgw/data/logs/configure-sgw.log
Note: The log file hides sensitive data such as the private key.