You must enable Carbon Black on the virtual machines (VM) where your application workloads are running.


  • You have deployed and configured the Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance.
  • Verify the operating system where you want to enable Carbon Black. For details, see Preparing to Enable Carbon Black in Your vSphere Environment.
  • If you have older operating systems such as Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7, you must use Sectigo certificates for signing the Carbon Black sensor MSI. Verify you installed the Sectigo certificates in your certificate store under Trusted Root Certification Authorities. For more information, see Install Sectigo Certificates.
  • Verify that a Carbon Black launcher is available.


  1. Log in to the vSphere Client using your administrator credentials.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Carbon Black.
  3. Open the Inventory > Not Enabled tab.
  4. Verify the VM eligibility in the Status column. You can enable Carbon Black on the eligible VMs.
    Status Description
    Eligible A correct version of the VMware Tools and the Carbon Black launcher is available on the VMs. You can go ahead and enable Carbon Black on the VMs.
    Not Eligible VMs might not be eligible to enable Carbon Black. For example:
    • VM is powered off.
    • The required version of the VMware Tools or Carbon Black launcher is not available.
    • The parameter for the VM is set to true.

      To make a VM eligible, you can perform any of the following actions based on the non-eligibility criteria:

    Not Supported Carbon Black Cloud Workload does not support the OS or the OS version. Upgrade to the supported OS and version. For details, see Preparing to Enable Carbon Black in Your vSphere Environment.
  5. Select one or more eligible VMs for which to enable Carbon Black and click Enable.
    Option Description
    To enable Carbon Black with the latest available version. Proceed to the next step. Carbon Black is enabled with the latest available sensor version.
    To enable Carbon Black with a particular version.
    1. Click Advanced. A list of available version appears for each OS.
    2. Only the supported sensor versions are listed. Select the required version from the dropdown menu.
    3. (Optional) You can preconfigure Carbon Black Cloud settings using the configuration file. You can upload the configuration file in an .ini file format. Click Upload File. Browse and select the configuration file.

      To view the sample configuration file and the parameter details, see Customize the Configuration File.

  6. A confirmation dialog box opens. Click OK.


Carbon Black is enabled.

  • Go to the VM > Summary > Carbon Black widget. You can view the installed version.
  • Go to the Carbon Black > Inventory > Enabled tab. VM status is Active.

What to do next

After enabling Carbon Black on VMs where workloads are running, you can start using the Carbon Black Cloud Workload Plug-in in the vSphere Client to monitor inventory in your data center. You can perform life-cycle management with a direct visibility in the vCenter Server.

The Carbon Black Summary page in the vSphere Client shows a summary of the VMs where Carbon Black is enabled.

You can open the Carbon Black Cloud console and create sensor groups and policies to meet your organization's security needs. You can identify, investigate, and remediate potential threats from the Carbon Black Cloud console.