Review the following examples of Windows sensor installations.

The following commands should be on a single line. For documentation formatting reasons, they may appear here on several lines.

Note: If the company code contains special characters (!, #, @, $, etc.), you must wrap the company code in double quotation marks. For example: COMPANY_CODE="XXXXDKIHWKH@ORFXXXX".

Base Install using a Company Registration Code

msiexec /q /i C:\Users\UserFolderName\Desktop\installer_vista_win7_win8-32- /L* log.txt COMPANY_CODE=XYZ 

In this basic install example, no policy is specified; therefore, the sensors are assigned to either the Standard policy, or to a policy that a sensor group specifies (if sensor groups are defined and the sensors match the sensor group criteria).

Base Install into a Specific Policy

msiexec /q /i C:\Users\UserFolderName\Desktop\installer_vista_win7_win8-32- /L* log.txt COMPANY_CODE=XYZ GROUP_NAME=Phase1

Using the GROUP_NAME (policy assignment option) assigns the sensor to the specified policy. To use sensor groups to determine a policy assignment, omit this option.

Note: For Windows sensors 3.8+, we recommend that you replace GROUP_NAME with POLICY_NAME. GROUP_NAME will work, but POLICY_NAME is preferred for clarity.

Configure RepCLI Authenticated User AD Group

msiexec /q /i C:\temp\installer_vista_win7_win8-32- /L* log.txt COMPANY_CODE=XYZ CLI_USERS=S-1-2-34-567
Note: For more information about RepCLI, see Managing Sensors by using RepCLI in the User Guide.