Use this procedure to reregister a Carbon Black Cloud Linux Sensor.


This task requres the use of RepCLI. If you are unfamiliar with this tool, please see: Manage Linux Sensors by using RepCLI.

The following requiremments must be met before performing this task:

  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor must be version or higher.
  • Linux: All Linux versions supported by Carbon Black Cloud.

    For a list of supported versions, see the Linux Sensor OER.

In addition, you should confirm the registration status of the sensor before performing this task. Use any of the following methods:

  • Use the following terminal command to provide the current registration ID:
    sudo ./repcli registrationid
  • Use the following terminal command to provide both the current and previous registration IDs:
    grep RegistrationId /var/opt/carbonblack/psc/cfg.ini


  1. Open a terminal command window.
  2. Create a backup of the cfg.ini file.
  3. Stop the cbagentd service.
    • For distributions using SystemD (for example: CentOS 7), run the Terminal command below:

      sudo systemctl stop cbagentd
    • For older distributions using SystemV (for example: CentOS 6), run the Terminal command below:
      sudo service cbagentd stop
  4. Run the following command to reregister the Linux sensor:
    sudo /opt/carbonblack/psc/bin/cbagentd -r
  5. Start the cbagentd service.
    • For distributions using SystemD (for example: CentOS 7), run the Terminal command below.
      sudo systemctl start cbagentd
    • For older distributions using SystemV (for example: CentOS 6), run the Terminal command below.
      sudo service cbagentd start
  6. Verify the RegistrationId after reregistration to ensure the sensor is registered:
    grep RegistrationId /var/opt/carbonblack/psc/cfg.ini
  7. After verifying the sensor reregistration, delete the backup config.ini that you created in step 2.