RepCLI is a command line tool that superusers can use to locally manage certain Linux sensor functions.

RepCLI is included in Linux sensors beginning with version 2.13. RepCLI is located in /opt/carbonblack/psc/bin/.

To run RepCLI, launch a terminal and navigate to the /opt/carbonblack/psc/bin/ directory. Run RepCLI commands within this terminal; for example, $ sudo ./repcli status. You can get help for a particular command by running the help command and providing the name of that command as an argument. For example: $ sudo ./repcli help status.

The following RepCLI commands are available for Linux sensors:

Table 1. RepCLI Commands for Linux Sensors
Command Description Example
bypass Enables (1) or disables (0) bypass mode. $ sudo ./repcli bypass 0
cloud <option> Supported option: hello

Sensor checks in with the Carbon Black Cloud console.

$ sudo ./repcli cloud hello
debug Enables (1) or disables (0) sensor verbose logging. $ sudo ./repcli debug 0
debug-th Enables (1) or disables (0) threat-hunter verbose logging. $ sudo ./repcli debug-th 0
deviceid Displays device ID $ sudo ./repcli deviceid
help Displays information about RepCLI commands. $ sudo ./repcli help status
registrationid Displays registrationid $ sudo ./repcli registrationid
status Displays sensor state values such as version, cloud status, rules status. $ sudo ./repcli status
version Returns the current product version. $ sudo ./repcli version