To investigate events associated with Kubernetes namespaces, perform the following procedure.


  1. On the left navigation pane, click Investigate > Process.
  2. In the left pane, filter by K8s Namespace.
  3. Optionally define any additional query criteria in the Search bar and press Enter to run the query.
  4. For details about a specific event in the results table, click the arrow Right arrow icon at the right of the row.

    Namespaces data in the right pane on the Investigate page

    Note: For more information about the Event Details panel, see Investigate - Processes in the main Investigate section of the user guide.

    Click View more to view the Kubernetes Workloads page. See View Kubernetes Workloads.

    To investigate Kubernetes cluster configuration issues, click the number associated with Configuration risks. See View a Kubernetes Workload - Risks.

    To investigate Kubernetes cluster vulnerabilities, click the number associated with Vulnerabilities. See View a Kubernetes Workload - Risks and click any link in the Vulnerability column for more information about that vulnerability.