Use this procedure to add a new user in a multi-tenancy environment.


Before you add a new user, you should be aware of how implicit and explicit role assignements work. See: Multi-tenancy Role Assignments


  1. Click Settings>Users in the left navigation pane.
  2. Click Add User.
  3. Enter the User Details for the new user, including name, email, and phone number.
  4. Under Parent Organization, click Select Role and specify the parent organization role of the user, and then click Save.

    See: Multi-tenancy Role Assignments for detail regarding role selection.

    As needed, you can toggle the display of role descriptions On and Off.

    Important: When a parent organization role is set to Super Admin, the same role is applied to all current and future child organizations.
  5. Under Child Organizations, click Add Permission and specify the parent organization role of the user, and then click Save.
    • As needed, you can toggle the display of role descriptions On and Off.
    • For each permission, you can apply that permission and role to specific organizations or all current and future organizations.
    Note: You can assigned a mix of permissions for each user. For example, a user could have "View All" permission for the parent and all child organizations and have "Super Admin" for one specific child organization.
  6. When finished making changes, click Save in the Add User page.
    An email is sent to the input email address. The email will prompt the user to log in and create a password.


Added users will appear in the table once they have confirmed their login credentials.