For an overview of Kubernetes events, perform the following procedure.


  1. On the left navigation pane, click Harden > K8s Events.
  2. Click the Overview tab.
    Kubernetes Events Overview tab

    On the Overview tab, you can select what data you want to view and the way in which that data is presented. Your options are to view:

    • All events, cluster scan events, or CLI scan events
    • Events that have occurred within one week, two weeks, or one month
    • Event data in a bar chart or in a line chart
    You can view event details on the Events tab (see Explore Kubernetes Events - Details). To specify events for which to retrieve detailed information:
    • To view the events for a scanned cluster, in the Top Clusters table, click the number in the Events column. The Events tab will open with the focus on that cluster's events.
    • To view the events associated with a policy, in the Top Policies table, click the number in the Events column. The Events tab will open with the focus on that policy's events.
    • To view the events associated with a policy rule, in the Top Rules table, click the number in the Events column. For example:

      Top Rules in the Kubernetes Events Overview tab

      The Events tab will open with the focus on that rule.

    • To view the events associated with a container image, in the Top Container Images table, click the number in the Events column. The Events tab will open with the focus on that container image's events.