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Supported Browsers for the Carbon Black Cloud Console

  • Windows: Firefox, Chrome, and Edge
  • macOS: Safari, Firefox, and Chrome

macOS User Space Functionality

Beginning in macOS 11, the Carbon Black Cloud macOS sensor (v3.5.1) operates by default in user-space via System Extensions (user-space) instead of Kernel Extensions (KEXTs) that are used in prior versions of the agent. Therefore, there are some functional differences when using the sensor in System Extension mode on macOS 11 and later.

Using the sensor in KEXT mode achieves the same functionality on macOS 11 as it does on older operating systems.

Unless otherwise specified, documentation related to macOS functionality on the Carbon Black Cloud pertains to macOS 10.15 and earlier or to functionality delivered via the KEXT on macOS 11.

The following matrix outlines macOS functionality on the Carbon Black Cloud. The functionality detailed in the macOS 11+ column pertains to the sensor’s functionality in user space (System Extension) in the initial macOS 11-compatible sensor release (v3.5.1+). For functionality provided via the kernel extension, refer to the macOS 10.12 - 11+ column.

Table 1. macOS User Space Functionality in Enterprise EDR
Functionality macOS10.12 - 11 (KEXT) macOS 11+(user-space)
Continuous Endpoint Telemetry Data Collection:
  • Process Start/Stop/Parent/Source binary, etc.
  • In/Outbound Network Connections
  • File Modifications (RWCD)
  • Cross Process Memory Injection/Scraping
  • Module Loads
  • Script Loads
30 Day Data Retention (longer if associated with an alert) X X
Regex and Wildcard Search/Alert Query Language Support X X
Custom/Customer-created Alert Criteria X X
Support for Industry-standard Threat Feeds (STIX/TAXII) X X

Sensor Hardware Requirements

Endpoints must be in compliance with all hardware requirements for the host operating system.

Consider all processes that run on the endpoints when determining your hardware configuration. We recommend a multi-core CPU for all installations.

The following metrics represent system requirements against a minimum environment, which is defined in the context as a user level system (such as an inactive laptop).

Windows Sensor Hardware Requirements

Table 2. Product: Enterprise EDR on Windows
Metric Enterprise EDR + Endpoint Standard Enterprise EDR + Endpoint Standard + Audit & Remediation
CPU Minimum: 1.8 GHz Recommended: 2 GHz Minimum: 1.8 GHz Recommended: 2 GHz
Memory 1 GB2 GB for Windows 10/2016+ 1 GB2 GB for Windows 10/2016+
Cores 2 2
Network required Minimum: 100 Mbit Recommended: 1 Gbit Minimum: 100 Mbit Recommended: 1 Gbit
Minimum network during light usage 1k bytes/sec read/writes each 1k bytes/sec read/writes each
Free disk space Minimum: 100 MB Recommended: 500 MB Minimum: 100 MB Recommended: 500 MB

macOS Sensor Hardware Requirements

Table 3. Product: Enterprise EDR on macOS
Metric Enterprise EDR Enterprise EDR + Audit & Remediation Endpoint Standard + Enterprise EDR Endpoint Standard + Enterprise EDR + Audit & Remediation
CPU Any supported x86-64 or arm64* Any supported x86-64 or arm64* Any supported x86-64 or arm64* Any supported x86-64 or arm64*
Memory 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB
Cores 2 2 2 2
Network required

Minimum: 100 Mbit

Recommended: 1 Gbit

Minimum: 100 Mbit

Recommended: 1 Gbit

Minimum: 100 Mbit

Recommended: 1 Gbit

Minimum: 100 Mbit

Recommended: 1 Gbit

Minimum network during light usage 1k bytes/sec read/writes each 1k bytes/sec read/writes each 1k bytes/sec read/writes each 1k bytes/sec read/writes each
Free disk space

Minimum: 100 MB

Recommended: 500 MB

Minimum: 100 MB

Recommended: 500 MB

Minimum: 200 MB

Recommended: 1 GB

Minimum: 200 MB

Recommended: 1 GB

*arm64 CPU requires macOS sensor 3.6 or higher.

Linux Sensor Hardware Requirements

Table 4. Product: Enterprise EDR on Linux
Metric Enterprise EDR Enterprise EDR + Endpoint Standard Enterprise EDR + Endpoint Standard + Audit & Remediation

Any 64-bit x86-64 chipset

No speed required

Any 64-bit x86-64 chipset

No speed required

Any 64-bit x86-64 chipset

No speed required

Memory 100 MB 250 MB 250 MB
Cores 2 2 2
Network Required

Minimum: 100 Mbit

Recommended: 1 Gbit

Minimum: 100 Mbit

Recommended: 1 Gbit

Minimum: 100 Mbit

Recommended: 1 Gbit

Minimum network during light usage 1k bytes/sec read/writes each 1k bytes/sec read/writes each 1k bytes/sec read/writes each
Free disk space

/opt: 100 MB

/var: 1600 MB

/opt: 100 MB

/var: 2600 MB

/opt: 100 MB

/var: 3200 MB