This topic describes Carbon Black Cloud Linux Sensors and operating systems.

For users of Carbon Black Cloud on AWS GovCloud (US), see Linux Supported Operating Systems and Sensors for AWS GovCloud (US) for system information specific to your environment.

Please see the Carbon Black Cloud Sensor Support Policy and the Linux Sensor Support Life Cycle Status page for information regarding Standard or Extended support for specific versions of the Linux sensor.

The Carbon Black Cloud Linux sensor offers support for the Graviton (aarch64) chipset. Graviton support is offered on the eBPF OS distributions with glibc version of 2.28 or higher.

  • "-" indicates through and inclusive of; for example, 2.12-2.15 indicates 2.12.x through and inclusive of 2.15.x.
  • Kernel versions listed are supported by the sensor together with the kernel versions prior to the specified version. Future kernel versions that GA with the OS are not supported until Carbon Black qualifies them for support. For example, for RHEL 9.1 the kernel version 5.14.0-162 indicates up to but not including 5.14.0-284. This is the kernel version that RHEL 9.2 released.
  • For the quarantine feature to function efficiently, IPtables is a pre-requisite on all Linux distributions. See the Sensor Installation Guide.
Important: Some sensor versions listed here might no longer be supported. Please consult the Linux Sensor Support Life Cycle Status page for information on sensor life cycle support status.