This topic describes Carbon Black Cloud Kubernetes Sensors and kernel version requirements.

The Carbon Black Cloud Kubernetes Sensor is a suite of available components that are provisioned at your cluster. The sensor deploys, manages, and maintains all necessary components required by Carbon Black Container.

You can configure the sensor to use a different set of components based on the features and functionality you choose to enable. Disabling and enabling additional functionality is done through a declarative config object, thereby helping to support automation and modern infrastructure deployment processes that the DevOps team requires.

The Carbon Black Cloud Kubernetes Sensor is composed of two required pieces of software, each with its own software version and release cycle:

  • Operator - A management layer that is responsible for deploying and maintaining the different data plane components based on a provided configuration presented as Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD). The Operator is designed to require fewer changes and is therefore maintained on a separate release lifecycle from the Sensor Components.
  • Sensor Components - Individual components required by different Carbon Black features and enabled by the customer during the sensor installation process. One of the major pieces of the Sensor Components is the Carbon Black Cloud Linux Sensor.

See the Carbon Black Cloud Sensor Support Policy, Enterprise EDR Sensor Supported Distribution and Kernel version, and the Kubernetes Sensor Support Life Cycle Status page in this document for information regarding Standard or Extended support for specific versions of the Linux sensor.