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Kubernetes Sensor Hardware Recommendations

The Kubernetes Sensor deploys components on each node and on the Kubernetes cluster. Both node and cluster must comply with all hardware requirements for the cluster you are running.

Consider all cluster nodes hardware configurations. Please contact VMware Carbon Black Support for additional information.

Kubernetes Cluster Requirements

  • The Kubernetes cluster is v1.16+ with the admission control plugin ValidatingAdmissionWebhook enabled.
  • You must have administrator privileges on the Kubernetes cluster. See the README file on
  • The Kubernetes cluster nodes can access the URL of the Carbon Black Cloud environment for HTTPS requests on port 443. The URL is the Carbon Black Cloud environment you are working with.
  • The Kubernetes cluster nodes can access the Event Stream URL for gRPC traffic on port 443.
Table 1. URLs
AWS Region CBC Environment URL Event Stream URL

US East (N. Virginia)


Europe (Frankfurt)

Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

Asia Pacific (Sydney)

Node Agent Requirement

Table 2. Kubernetes Sensor Node Agent Linux Hardware Requirements
Metric Container Essential Container Advanced

Any 64-bit x86-64 or family processor based chipset

No speed required

Any 64-bit x86-64 or family processor-based chipset

No speed required

Memory 2 GB 2 GB
Cores 2 2
Network Minimum: 100 Mbit

Recommended: 1 Gbit

Minimum: 100 Mbit

Recommended: 1 Gbit

Minimum network during light usage 1k bytes/sec read/writes each 1k bytes/sec read/writes each
Free disk space 3500 MB 3500 MB

Kubernetes Sensor and Kernel Versions

This topic describes Carbon Black Cloud Kubernetes Sensors and kernel version requirements.

The Carbon Black Cloud Kubernetes Sensor is a suite of available components that are provisioned at your cluster. The sensor deploys, manages, and maintains all necessary components required by Carbon Black Container.

You can configure the sensor to use a different set of components based on the features and functionality you choose to enable. Disabling and enabling additional functionality is done through a declarative config object, thereby helping to support automation and modern infrastructure deployment processes that the DevOps team requires.

The Carbon Black Cloud Kubernetes Sensor is composed of two required pieces of software, each with its own software version and release cycle:

  • Operator - A management layer that is responsible for deploying and maintaining the different data plane components based on a provided configuration presented as Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD). The Operator is designed to require fewer changes and is therefore maintained on a separate release lifecycle from the Sensor Components.
  • Sensor Components - Individual components required by different Carbon Black features and enabled by the customer during the sensor installation process. One of the major pieces of the Sensor Components is the Carbon Black Cloud Linux Sensor.

See the Carbon Black Cloud Sensor Support Policy, Enterprise EDR Sensor Supported Distribution and Kernel version, and the Kubernetes Sensor Support Life Cycle Status page in this document for information regarding Standard or Extended support for specific versions of the Linux sensor.

Kubernetes Sensor Operator Distributions and Kubernetes Version

This topic describes Carbon Black Cloud Kubernetes Sensor Operator compatibility with the Kubernetes Sensor Security components.

Table 3. Supported Operator Versions and Security Components
Distribution Kubernetes Sensor Component Version Minimum Kubernetes Version
v6.0.x 2.10.0, 2.11.0, 2.12.0, 3.0.0 1.18
v5.6.x 2.10.0, 2.11.0, 2.12.0 1.16
v5.5.x 2.10.0, 2.11.0 1.16

Kubernetes Sensor Component Distributions and Kernel Version

This topic describes Carbon Black Cloud Kubernetes Sensor supported operating systems and minimum kernel requirements.

  • Kernel version 4.18+ is required for RHEL8+, CentOS8+, Amazon, SUSE, and Ubuntu.
  • "-" indicates through and inclusive of; for example, 2.12-2.14 indicates 2.12.x through and inclusive of 2.14.x.
  • "+" indicates through and inclusive of; for example, kernel version 5.14.0-162+ indicates 5.14.0-162 through and inclusive of the most recent kernel version.
  • Agent versions in all cases are 3.0.x+.

Supported Linux Operating Systems

Table 4. RHEL
Distribution Kernel Version
9.1 5.14.0-162+
9.0 5.14.0-70+
8.7 4.18.0-425+
8.6 4.18.0-372+
8.5 4.18.0-348+
8.4 4.18.0-305+
8.3 4.18.0-240+
8.2 4.18.0-193+
8.1 4.18.0-147+
8.0 4.18.0-80+
Table 5. CentOS
Distribution Kernel Version
8.5 4.18.0-348+
8.4 4.18.0-305+
8.3 4.18.0-240+
8.2 4.18.0-193+
8.1 4.18.0-147+
8.0 4.18.0-80+
Table 6. SUSE
Distribution Kernel Version
15 SP4 5.3.18+
15 SP3 5.3.18+
15 SP2 5.3.18+
15 SP1 5.3.18+
Table 7. OpenSUSE
Distribution Kernel Version
15.4 5.3.18+
15.3 5.3.18+
15.2 5.3.18+
Table 8. Amazon Linux
Distribution Kernel Version
2 4.14+
Table 9. Debian
Distribution Kernel Version
11.4-11.6 5.3.18+
11.1-11.3 4.19+
10.13 5.3.18+
10.10-10.11 4.19+
10.0-10.09 4.19+
Table 10. Ubuntu
Distribution Kernel Version
22.10 5.19.0+
22.04 5.11+
21.10 5.11+
21.04 5.11+
20.04 5.4+
19.10 5.3+
19.04 5.0+

Kubernetes Sensor Support Life Cycle Status

Use the following tables to determine the product life cycle stage of your VMware Carbon Black Cloud Kubernetes Sensor.

The Carbon Black Cloud Product Release Life cycle policy is located at VMware Carbon Black Cloud Support Policy.

Table 11. Kubernetes Sensors in Status: Standard Support
Release Enter Standard Enter Extended Enter End of Support
3.0.x August 2023 August 2024
2.12.x June 2023 June 2024
Table 12. Kubernetes Sensors in Status: Extended Support
Release Enter Standard Enter Extended Enter End of Support
2.11.x March 2023 August 2023 March 2024
Table 13. Kubernetes Sensors in Status: End of Support
Release Enter Standard Enter Extended Enter End of Support
2.10.x August 2022 June 2023
2.9.0.x October 2020 October 2021
Table 14. Kubernetes Operators in Status: End of Support
Release Enter Standard Enter Extended Enter End of Support
5.4.x June 2022 June 2023