You can add up to 250,000 sensors to an upgrade request (job) in the Carbon Black Cloud console. After a Sensor Update Status (SUS) job is created, it can remain in a pending state while other jobs are being processed.

Sensor updates are prioritized by the date of the request, from oldest to newest. When there are less than 500 sensors eligible for update in all currently processing jobs, oldest jobs are processed first.


When all 500 processing slots are used for sensors within the same job, the SUS provides 10 extra processing slots filled for smaller jobs.

An organization can have multiple sensors update jobs at the same time.

The number of concurrent updates is the lesser of 25% of the total organization size or 500. For example, an organization that has 100 total sensors would hint up to 25 sensors to update at a time, and an organization that has 100,000 sensors would hint up to 500 sensors to update at a time. When an individual sensor completes its update process successfully or returns an error, a new sensor can be added to the processing queue to be updated.

The system attempts to upgrade up to 500 sensors at a time, and only considers sensors that are in a processing state (not pending). A job can only be promoted from pending to processing if at least one of its sensors has checked in within the last 30 minutes.

The processor runs every five minutes to see how many openings there are currently in the queue. It adds eligible sensors to the queue and sends hints for eligible sensors that are already in the queue. Sensors must have checked in within the last 30 minutes to be considered, and then must check in again after they are assigned a position in the queue.

SUS waits four hours before clearing any openings in a cancelled job. If a cancelled job had sensors, sensors that are in the processing state fill those openings in the queue.

Note: Processing updates automatically timeout after two weeks. Timeouts occur even if the sensor has been hinted for an update, but the sensor has not successfully completed the update.

To monitor the status of sensor updates, see View Progress of Sensor Updates.

Tip: You can also use the Sensor Update Services API to perform batch sensor updates automatically across your organization. This API can update large quantities of devices — up to 250,000 — without putting your network at risk.