Perform the following procedure to add the Carbon Black Cloud sensor as an internal application and configure the deployment options in Workspace ONE UEM.


  • Workspace ONE UEM with permissions to manage devices and applications.
  • Carbon Black Cloud console access and admin account credentials.
  • A device running Windows 10 to test the integration.
  • Follow the instructions in Obtain a Company Registration Code and Download Sensor Kits to obtain your company registration code and download the Windows sensor kit.


  1. Open the Workspace ONE UEM admin console.
  2. Add the Carbon Black Cloud sensor for Windows as an internal application by uploading the Carbon Black Cloud sensor MSI installation file.
  3. Navigate to the Deployment Options tab and define how the Workspace ONE UEM must install the sensor application on the device.
    The following options under the How to Install section are set by the Workspace ONE adminitrator and the rest of the options are set automatically by Workspace ONE UEM.
    1. Populate the Install Command text box with the following command: msiexec /i "installer_vista_win7_win8-64-" /qn COMPANY_CODE=<REPLACE WITH YOUR REGISTRATION CODE> .
    2. Optional. To obtain the installation log file for troubleshooting purposes, add /L*vx <file name> to the above command.
      msiexec /i "installer_vista_win7_win8-64-" /qn /L*vx <file name> COMPANY_CODE=<REPLACE WITH YOUR REGISTRATION CODE>
    3. Set the Admin Privileges to YES if not so already.
      The Carbon Black Cloud sensor requires admin privileges for installation.
  4. Click the Save & Assign button.
  5. Assign the Carbon Black Cloud sensor application to the Assignment Groups, which represent the devices that must have the sensor installed.

What to do next

Confirm that the sensor application installation completed successfully.