If you installed the Carbon Black Cloud sensor for macOS in Kernel Extension mode and the Kernel Extensions are not loading, you must rebuild the Kernel Extension cache.


  1. In the Workspace ONE UEM admin console, navigate to Devices > List View and select the macOS device that needs the kernel cache rebuilt.
  2. Click the More Actions drop-down menu and select Custom Command.
  3. Paste the following command in the Command XML text box and add the full list of KextPaths into the array.
    Note: When you specify the <key>KextPaths</key>, you must include the Carbon Black Cloud Kernel Extension path, as well as any other paths you want to include in the Kernel Cache Rebuild.
  4. Optional. Paste the following command in the Command XML text box without the <key>KextPaths</key> and array values, if they are unknown.
    Note: If you do not specify the <key>KextPaths</key>, macOS attempts to rebuild the cache with any known Kernel Extensions. For example, from Apps that have launched before and attempted to load a Kernel Extension.
  5. Click Send.