You can use the RepCLI output to verify that the Carbon Black Cloud sensor for macOS is installed successfully on the device. For more information about RepCLI, see Managing Sensors by using RepCLI in the User Guide.


  1. Open the on the enrolled macOS device and enter the following command:
    cd /Applications/VMware\ Carbon\ Black\ Cloud/repcli.bundle/Contents/MacOS
  2. Enter the following command:
    sudo ./repcli status
    Note: If prompted, enter the administrative password.
  3. Observe the values for System Extension status, sensor State, and Cloud Status lines.
    A successful deployment lists the values as follows.
    Option Description
    System Extension: Running
    State: Enabled
    Cloud Status: Registered

What to do next

  • If the System Extensions are not loading, make sure that you staged the correct profile payloads.
  • If the Kernel Extensions are not loading in macOS Big Sur, you must rebuild the kernel cache.