To create user accounts, log in to the Carbon Black EDR server console by using an account that has Global Administrator status. If no other users have been created yet, use the administrative account and password that were established during the server installation process.


  1. From a supported web browser, enter the path to your Carbon Black EDR server. https://<your server address>/.
  2. Enter the username and password for a Global Administrator account.
  3. On the navigation bar, click Users.
  4. Click Add User in the top-right corner.
  5. Enter the following information and then click Save changes.




    Name that the user enters to log in to the console.

    User names are case-sensitive and restricted to standard Latin alphanumeric characters. Symbols and punctuation characters are not allowed. If you try to create a user account that contains an illegal character, the console displays a warning message.

    First Name

    First name of the user.

    Last Name

    Last name of the user.

    Email address

    Email address for the user.


    Password that authenticates this user.

    Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters. Passwords are case-sensitive. This field changes to New Password when you are editing existing accounts.

    Confirm Password

    Retype the password for confirmation.

    Assign to teams

    Select the teams to which the user will belong. The default team is Analysts. Users can belong to more than one team. See Managing User Access with Teams.

    Enhance Analyst permissions

    For a user that is an Analyst on any team, check one or more boxes to give the user permission to use additional features. See Adding Enhanced Permissions for Analysts.

    Global Administrator

    Check this box to give the user Global Administrator privileges.

    Important: A Global Administrator has full access to all Carbon Black EDR features and data, including server management and response tools. This includes access to every endpoint with an active sensor, without needing to be assigned to teams.