The VMware Carbon Black EDR team is pleased to announce the General Availability of Server 7.6.2 for all on-prem EDR customers! Hosted EDR customers were upgraded to Server 7.6.2 on Sunday, 6 March 2022.

Important: A version of Server 7.6.2 that was not intended for general availability was accidentally released to on-prem customers on Tuesday, 8 March 2022. This version contains a bug that can result in a failure to store collected process events. The bug is fixed in the official GA version, released on 16 March 2022. If you installed Server 7.6.2 prior to 16 March, please upgrade to the latest version immediately!

This is a maintenance release which includes the following improvements:

  • Bug fixes
  • RHEL 8.5 Support
  • Other small enhancements

Refer to the VMware Carbon Black EDR Server 7.6.2 Release Notes and VMware Carbon Black EDR Unified View 7.6.2 Release Notes for more details.

Additional 7.6.x documentation can be found at VMware Carbon Black EDR Documentation.