Use the following tables to determine the product life cycle stage of your Carbon Black EDR Linux Sensor.

In the following table, dates with an * indicate the earliest possible date that version could be updated from Standard Support to End of Support status.

See also the Carbon Black EDR Product Release Lifecycle Policy.

Table 1. Linux Sensors in Status: Standard Support
Release Enter Standard Earliest Possible End of Support
7.3.1 26 June 2024 30 June 2025*
7.3.0 26 April 2024 30 April 2025*
7.2.0 17 August 2023 31 August 2024*
Table 2. Linux Sensors in Status: Extended Support
Release Enter Standard Enter End of Support
6.3.4 13 October 2020 No date planned
Table 3. Linux Sensors in Status: End of Support
Release Enter Standard Enter End of Support
7.1.2 25 January 2023 31 January 2024
7.1.1 24 August 2022 26 April 2024
7.1.0 6 March 2022 17 August 2023
7.0.3 27 April 2021 22 February 2023
7.0.2 21 January 2021 22 February 2023