As either a provider or as a tenant, you can forward the VMware Cloud Director Availability tenant events notifications to VMware Cloud Director, and or by using email delivery. Both delivery channels carry the same event information.

Since VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.6, by default the Cloud Director events checkbox is active for all event types.

For information about the events and notifications, see Events and notifications.


  • Verify that VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.6.1 or later is deployed in the cloud site to be able to Set custom SMTP settings.
  • To use the email delivery channel for events notifications, verify that you configured the SMTP settings in VMware Cloud Director. For more information, see Configure the System Email Settings in the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Guide.


  1. Log in to the tenant interface of the Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
    1. In a Web browser, go to https://Appliance-IP-Address/ui/login.
    2. Enter the tenant user credentials and click Login.
  2. In the left pane, under Configuration click Events and Notifications.
    Note: To forward the tenant events by email, first configure this delivery channel. While not yet configured, the Cloud Director email check box displays not configured and remains dimmed.
  3. If you logged in as a provider, click Tenants event notifications then from the Organization drop-down menu, select the organization for which you want to edit the events notifications configuration.
    Skip this step when logged as a tenant, as you can configure the event notifications only for your organization.
  4. (Optional) To configure the email delivery channel under Receive notifications via the following channels next to Email choose one of the following configuration options:
    • To configure the SMTP server by using the VMware Cloud Director Tenant Portal, next to Cloud Director Email click Configure in Cloud Director.
      VMware Cloud Director Availability reads the following email settings from VMware Cloud Director:
      • SMTP server name is a required field to save the SMTP configuration.
      • Sender's email address is a required field to save the SMTP configuration.
      • Recipients, either explicit email addresses or, by default, the email addresses of all organization administrators.
      • Optionally, the Email subject prefix.
    • Alternatively, since version 4.6.1 to configure the SMTP settings directly, click Set custom SMTP settings. In the Configure Email Settings window, enter the following configuration details then click Apply.
    Option Description

    SMTP server name

    You must enter the IP or hostname of an operational SMTP server.

    SMTP server port

    You must enter the TCP port of the SMTP server. By default, 25.

    SMTP server secure mode

    Optionally, select the SMTP encryption mode:
    • None, by default.
    • SSL
    • Start TLS

    SMTP authentication required

    Optionally, activate the required SMTP authentication, then you must enter:
    • User name
    • Password

    Sender's email address

    You must enter the email address of the notifications sender.

    Email subject prefix

    Optionally, enter the subject of the email notifications.
    Recipients' email addresses You must enter one or multiple recipients that all receive the email notifications.
  5. Under Receive notifications for the following events configure the delivery channels for each event type.
    • (Optional) To configure all event types at once, click Quick Activate/Deactivate, then click Apply.
    • Alternatively, configure each event type by following the next steps:
    1. Under the User Activities section, to configure each event type click Edit then to save the settings click Apply.
      Event type Activity triggers Notifications delivery channels
      Replications Activities on the following pages in the left pane:
      • Incoming Replications
      • Recovery Plans
      • and Start/Stop events for replication tasks
      Select the delivery channels:
      • Cloud Director events
      • Cloud Director email
      Session Activities related to users sessions:
      • Login
      • Logout
      • Login to peer site
      • Logout of peer site
      Select the delivery channels:
      • Cloud Director events
      • Cloud Director email
    2. Under the Monitoring Events section, configure the following monitoring event type.
    3. Next to Replication errors and warnings, click Edit, then to save the settings click Apply.
      Option Description
      Events types

      Any replication errors and RPO violations.

      Receive notifications via the following channels

      Select the notifications delivery channels:
      • Cloud Director events
      • Cloud Director email

      RPO violation threshold time

      Only forward events for RPO violation time above this threshold. 0 forwards events for any RPO violation. By default, 0 minutes.

      RPO violation threshold count

      Only forward events for RPO violations count above this threshold. 0 forwards any number of replications with an RPO violation. By default, 0.


VMware Cloud Director Availability starts forwarding the events notifications to the tenants by using the selected delivery channels.

What to do next

Tenants can monitor VMware Cloud Director Availability by using VMware Cloud Director, or their email client.

Tenants can also subscribe for a weekly summary email. For more information, see Subscribe for weekly summary email.