After grouping virtual machines in an on-premises to cloud replication, you can modify the resulting vApp name and the grouped virtual machines order of boot and their boot delay. Also, you can modify the vApp replication settings, exclude or include replicated virtual machines in an existing vApp.


  • Verify that VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.3 or later is deployed in both the source on-premises site and in the destination cloud site.


  1. Select a vApp, replicated from an on-premises site to a Cloud Director site.
  2. To modify the vApp settings, click All actions > vApp Settings.
  3. In the Edit vApp Settings window, configure the vApp settings and click Apply.
    1. In the vApp name, modify the name of the vApp.
    2. To change the order of boot of the virtual machines in the vApp, drag and drop them.
    3. To set a boot delay for each virtual machine, under Start wait enter a number and select seconds or minutes.
  4. To modify the replication settings of the vApp replication, click All actions > Settings.
  5. In the Edit Replication Settings window, configure the settings of the vApp replication and click Apply.
    1. To change the target recovery point objective (RPO), click the timeline or the preset times.
    2. To enable the retention policy, select it and configure the number of instances and a duration for spreading them.
    3. To activate the quiesce, select the toggle.
    4. To compress the replication traffic, select the toggle.
  6. To exclude replicated virtual machines from vApp replications, on the top of the page under Grouping, click VM.
    1. To exclude a virtual machine replication from the vApp, select the replication to exclude and click Delete.
      You can later add this excluded virtual machine replication to a new vApp replication. Alternatively, you can later add this virtual machine to an existing vApp replication for VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.3 and later, as in the next step.
    2. In the Delete window, to confirm click Delete.
  7. To add replicated virtual machines to any existing on-premises to cloud vApp replication, create a replication.
    1. To create an on-premises to cloud replication, click New Protection or New Migration.
    2. On the vCenter VMs page, select one or more virtual machines for adding in an existing vApp replication.
    3. Select Group VMs to a single vApp and click Next.
    4. On the vApp Settings page, to add the selected virtual machines to an existing vApp replication, in the vApp name text box enter the existing vApp name and click Next.
      After entering an existing vApp name, under vApp name a vApp group 'name' has number VM(s) already message shows the count of virtual machines in the vApp.


VMware Cloud Director Availability replicates the virtual machines from the source on-premises site as a vApp in the destination cloud site with the modified settings.