You can set up the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server through the CSE Management tab in Kubernetes Container Clusters UI plug-in 4.1. Service providers can perform this task in this tab to ensure Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters, and relevant workloads operate successfully.

The CSE Management tab in Kubernetes Container Clusters UI plug-in 4.1 has the following sections:
  • Getting Started
  • Guidelines
  • Server Details

Getting Started

The Getting Started section is a landing page for VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension management. Learn how to set up VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension in VMware Cloud Director through the Kubernetes Container Clusters UI plug-in 4.1, to allow tenant users to create Kubernetes clusters.

There are different sections in VMware Cloud Director where you can perform the necessary tasks to create a suitable environment for VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension to operate successfully in VMware Cloud Director.

Table 1. Getting Started Page Contents
Sections Description
Download OVAs This section links to the locations where you can download the following two types of OVA files that are necessary for VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension configuration:
  • VMware Cloud Director Container Service ExtensionServer OVA file
  • Kubernetes Template OVA files

For information on downloading the appropriate OVA files, see Download OVA Files.

Create Catalogs and Upload OVAs
This section links to the Catalogs section in VMware Cloud Director where you can perform the following actions:
  • Leverage catalogs to store and retrieve VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server OVA files, and maintain a repository of Kubernetes Template OVAs.
  • Create a catalog in a provider-managed organization, and upload VMware Cloud Director Container Service ExtensionServer OVA file for easy access.
  • Create a shared catalog in a provider-managed organization and upload Kubernetes Template OVAs.

For more information, see Create Catalogs and Upload OVA Files.

Setting up the Configuration for CSE Server This section initiates the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server configuration process. For more information, see Configure the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server.
Add VM Sizing Policies to Organization VDCs This section links to the Organization VDCs section in VMware Cloud Director, where you can assign VM sizing policies to organization VDCs. For more information, see Add Tanzu Kubernetes Grid VM Sizing Policies to Organization Virtual Data Centers.
Create a User with CSE Admin Role This section links to the Users section in VMware Cloud Director, where you can create a user with the CSE Admin Role role. This role grants administration privileges to the user for VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension administrative purposes. For more information, see Create a User with CSE Admin Role.
Start CSE Server This section links to the vApps section in VMware Cloud Director where you can create a vApp from the uploaded VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server OVA file to start the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server. For more information, see Create a vApp from VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server OVA file.


The Guidelines section in the CSE Management tab details the cloud resources that the Getting Started workflow automatically creates.

Table 2. Guideline page contents
Section Description
Rights & Roles This section details the rights bundle and user roles that that the Getting Started automatically creates.
TKG VM Sizing Policies It is necessary to manually add the VM sizing policies to organization virtual data centers. Kubernetes clusters that do not have one of these VM sizing policies can experience resource limit errors. This section details the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid VM Sizing Policies you can add to organization virtual data centers.

For information on how to perform this task, see Add Tanzu Kubernetes Grid VM Sizing Policies to Organization Virtual Data Centers.

Server Details

The Server Details section in the Kubernetes Container Clusters UI plug-in details the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension server configuration details.

You can use this section to view the current server configuration details, and if you want to update these settings through the Kubernetes Container Clusters UI plug-in, click Update Server. For more information, see Update the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension Server. For more information on server configuration details, see Configure the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension Server Settings.