Before you can begin to use VMware Cloud Director Extension for VMware Tanzu Mission Control, it is necessary to create a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster in the solution organization that can host the solution add-on.

In the Kubernetes Container Clusters UI, follow the Create a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Cluster workflow, and enter the configuration details outlined in this section.
Note: Do not activate Auto Repair on Errors toggle when you create this cluster. Keep the toggle deactivated after the cluster is successfully created also.
Note: It is strongly advised to build a new Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster with proper sizing in VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 4.2 to install VMware Cloud Director Extension for VMware Tanzu Mission Control, instead of using a pre-existing cluster. You can enter the following cluster sizes in the Create a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Cluster workflow.
Table 1. VMware Cloud Director Extension for VMware Tanzu Mission Control Cluster
Parameter Detail
Name tmc
Control Plane
Number of Nodes 3
Sizing Policy TKG Large
Worker Pool
Number of Nodes 3
Sizing Policy TKG Extra-Large
Kubernetes Storage Configure the storage class to use the preferred storage policy for persistent volumes.

Update Existing Clusters to host VMware Cloud Director Extension for VMware Tanzu Mission Control

If you are using a cluster that was created before VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension 4.2 with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.x to host VMware Cloud Director Extension for VMware Tanzu Mission Control, it is necessary to perform a manual update on these clusters to add the Tanzu-Standard Package Repository into the Packaging Global Namespace.

  1. Enter the following command in kubectl, and verify if a tanzu-standard resource appears in the kapp-controller-packaging-global namespace.
    kubectl get PackageRepositories -A
    Note: An entry in the tkg-system namespace does not fulfill the requirement.
    Note: Clusters created on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.x will display that the tanzu-standard PackageRepository is available in the tanzu-package-repo-global namespace. This is a valid configuration.
  2. If a tanzu-standard resource does not appear in the kapp-controller-packaging-global namespace, enter the following command in kubectl to create the appropriate resource.
    cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
    kind: PackageRepository
      name: tanzu-standard
      namespace: kapp-controller-packaging-global
    This command displays an AlreadyExists error if the appropriate resource already exists.
Note: Update the registry URL in the resource to reflect your environment if the VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension configuration references a registry other than For more information on copying artifacts to a local registry, see Set up a Local Container Registry in an Airgapped Environment.
kubectl patch -n kapp-controller-packaging-global PackageRepository/tanzu-standard --type='json' -p='[{"op": 
"replace", "path": "/spec/fetch/imgpkgBundle/image", 

Update the Kubernetes Components of the Cluster

To ensure this cluster is upgradeable to Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.3.1 or 2.4, it is necessary to run the cluster-upgrade-script to update the cluster Kubernete components to the compatible versions. For more information, see Upgrade Kubernetes Components in VMware Cloud Director Container Service Extension Clusters.