Configuring VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension with a Cloudian HyperStore cluster consists of establishing a connection between the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and Cloudian HyperStore services.

For security purposes, VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension validates the complexity of all passwords. When you set passwords using the ose command-line utility, make sure that the password complies with the following requirements:
  • At least eight characters in length
  • Minimum one uppercase character
  • Minimum one lowercase character
  • Minimum one numeric digit character
  • Minimum one non-alphanumeric character. Use only visible American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) characters. Do not use space and non-printing control characters, such as BEL or NUL.
VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension performs a password validation as part of the execution of the following scripts:
  • ose cloudian admin set
  • ose cloudian console set
For testing purposes, you can avoid the password validation by adding the --force argument to the command that you run.


  • Verify that you deployed VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension and configured connections to VMware Cloud Director and to your database.
  • Verify that you upgraded your Cloudian HyperStore to version 7.1.6 or 7.2.
  • Verify that you increased the maximum length of Cloudian HyperStore user IDs from 64 bytes to 255 bytes. See Before you begin and Cloudian Deployment Requirements.


  1. Open an SSH connection to the machine on which you installed VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension.
  2. Configure the connection to the Cloudian HyperStore Admin Service HTTPS API endpoint.
    ose cloudian admin set --url hyperstore-admin-url --user admin-user --secret 'password'

    If the password you enter contains a single quote character ('), run the command without the --secret argument and the system prompts you to enter the password in a new line.

    For example:
    ose cloudian admin set --url --user sysadmin --secret 'ChangeIt!'
  3. Configure the connection to the Cloudian HyperStore S3 Service.
    ose cloudian s3 set your-hyperstore-s3-url

    To configure the connection, use the FQDN or the IP address of the S3 Service. If you use the FQDN, make sure that the S3 Service URL matches the Service domain setting in Cloudian HyperStore. According to Cloudian HyperStore requirements, the format you must use is https://s3-<your-region>.<your-hyperstore-host>. Also, make sure that your DNS server can route all bucket requests from the virtual to the actual S3 Service host. For example, from <any-bucket-name>.<your-hyperstore-host> to <your-hyperstore-host>. If you use the IP address of the S3 Service, no domain and virtual host route settings are required.

    For example:
    ose cloudian s3 set https://s3-regionA.hyperstore.local
  4. Configure the connection to the Cloudian HyperStore IAM Service.
    ose cloudian iam set hyper-store-iam-url
    For example:
    ose cloudian iam set
  5. Configure the connection to the Cloudian Management Console.
    ose cloudian console set --url hyperstore-cmc-url --user admin-user --secret cmc-sso-shared-key

    The user name that you enter must be the user name of a valid system administrator user. For the --secret argument value, enter the single sign-on shared key that is configured in the Cloudian Management Console.

    For example:
    ose cloudian console set --url --user admin --secret UinqeMQA9FAWy8zbDqWTLBRRg23U72xBWi
  6. Allow the use of the Cloudian HyperStore platform.
    ose platforms enable cloudian
  7. Validate the configuration of VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension .
    ose config validate
    If all components are successfully configured, the system returns the following message:
    |          Name          |   Required  |   Connectivity  |            Detail               |
    |        Database        |      Y      |      Normal     |                                 |
    |       Certificate      |      Y      |      Normal     |                                 |
    |     Cloud Director     |      Y      |      Normal     |                                 |
    |  Platform - Cloudian   |      Y      |      Normal     |                                 |
    | Cloudian Admin Service |      Y      |      Normal     |                                 |
    |  Cloudian S3 Service   |      Y      |      Normal     |                                 |
    If the system returns an error, review the log file at /opt/vmware/voss/log.
  8. Verify the status of the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension service.
    ose service show
    If the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension service runs as expected, the system returns a Running status and configuration details.

    If you receive an error message, you can start the VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension service in debugging mode by adding the --debug argument and troubleshoot the problem.

  9. Start VMware Cloud Director Object Storage Extension services.
    ose service start
  10. (Optional) Get configuration details.
    ose cloudian show
    The system returns the Cloudian HyperStore configuration details.