You can upgrade VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions using the VMware Cloud Director Solution Add-On Landing Zone or the command-line interface.

You can upgrade to VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions 1.4 from versions 1.X.


  • Verify that you have the credentials of a VMware Cloud Director System Administrator account.
  • If you maintain an internal container registry, verify that the Data Solutions operator package is cloned to its internal container registry.

Upgrade the VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions solution add-on

Upgrade VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions using the VMware Cloud Director Solution Add-On Landing Zone.

Attention: If you installed VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions by using the command-line interface, with a parameter --encryption-key, you cannot perform the upgrade by using the VMware Cloud Director UI.


  1. Log in to the VMware Cloud Director service provider admin portal.
  2. Upload the latest version of the VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions .iso file in the Solution Add-On Landing Zone. See Upload a Solution Add-On to Your VMware Cloud Director.
  3. Upgrade your add-on instance of VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions. See Upgrade a Solution Add-On Instance in VMware Cloud Director.

What to do next

The tenant administrator must upgrade each Data Solutions operator, which runs in the Kubernetes clusters within their organizations. To avoid upgrading the Data Solutions operators during the next VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions upgrade, the tenant administrator must set the Data Solutions operator upgrade policy to Auto upgrade to the latest version.

Upgrade VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions using the CLI

Upgrade VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions using the command-line interface.

If you installed VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions using the command-line interface, with parameter --encryption-key, you must provide the same encryption key, when you perform the upgrade and you must not specify the parameter --iso. The parameters --encryption-key and --iso are mutually exclusive.

Note: To get the certificate file, run the following command: $ run get certificates --host HOST_NAME -o CERTIFICATE_FILENAME --accept. You must not download the VMware Cloud Director certificate file in the folder, where you mount the ISO package. If you do not trust the VMware Cloud Director certificate, use the following command to trust it: $ run trust --host HOST_NAME --username USER_NAME --password PASSWORD --certificate-file CERTIFICATE_FILENAME --accept.


  • To upgrade VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions, navigate to the folder, which contains the extracted ISO package and run the following command:
    • For Windows: upgrade instance --name EXTENSION_NAME --host HOST_NAME --username USER_NAME --password PASSWORD --certificate-file CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME --accept --iso
    • For Linux:
      ./ upgrade instance --name EXTENSION_NAME --host HOST_NAME --username USER_NAME --password PASSWORD --certificate-file CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME --accept --iso
    The following table describes the parameters values that you must enter. To see the full list of command parameters, run the following command: <run> upgrade instance -h.
    Table 1. Upgrade command parameters
    Parameter Description
    EXTENSION_NAME The name of the VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions.
    HOST_NAME The name of the VMware Cloud Director host.
    USER_NAME The user name of the VMware Cloud Director system administrator.
    PASSWORD The password of the VMware Cloud Director system administrator.
    CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME The VMware Cloud Director API endpoint SSL certificate filename.
    Example: get certificates --host -o C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\vcd_cert.pem --accept trust --host --username admin --password vmware --certificate-file C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\vcd_cert.pem --accept upgrade instance --name tds1 --host --username admin --password vmware --certificate-file C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\vcd_cert.pem --accept --iso

What to do next

  • Update the VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions repository and set to the latest version. You can preview the latest version, by selecting the Use Default Value check box in the Update Repository window.

    The default registry path for Data Solutions operator 1.4 is See Managing container registries in the Using VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions as a Service Provider guide.

  • The tenant administrator must upgrade each Data Solutions operator, which runs in the Kubernetes clusters within their organizations. To avoid upgrading the Data Solutions operators during the next VMware Cloud Director extension for Data Solutions upgrade, the tenant administrator must set the Data Solutions operator upgrade policy to Auto upgrade to the latest version.