Before you start using VMware Cloud Director service, you must prepare your environment and sign up for VMware Cloud services. Use this checklist to begin setting up the service.

Table 1. Before you begin with VMware Cloud Director service
To... You need to...
Checkbox symbol Set up your VMware Cloud account.
  • If you are an enterprise customer, visit to set up your organization with a VMware Cloud services portal account.
  • If you are a Cloud Services Provider – SaaS partner, visit to set up your organization with a VMware Cloud Partner Navigator account.
Checkbox symbol Sign up for VMware Cloud Director service. See How do I sign up for VMware Cloud Services in the VMware Cloud services Product Documentation.
Checkbox symbol Activate VMware Cloud Director service. Click the link in your invitation email and follow the steps to access the VMware Cloud Director service.
Checkbox symbol Generate a VMware Cloud API token and save the token credentials to a safe place. See How Do I Generate API Tokens.
Checkbox symbol If you plan to use VMware Cloud on AWS as your underlying infrastructure, sign up for VMware Cloud on AWS and deploy one or more VMware Cloud on AWS SDDCs. See Onboarding Checklist in Getting Started with VMware Cloud on AWS and the VMware Cloud on AWS Documentation.