Whether you need to migrate to the cloud, unify multi-cloud operations, scale on demand, or build modern apps, at VMware Cloud we've got you covered.

There are multiple ways to start using VMware Cloud services. As a new or existing VMware Cloud services user, you can onboard a service by doing one of the following:

Depending on the service you are onboarding, there can be differences in the onboarding workflow.

If your enterprise already uses VMware Cloud services, you can onboard yourself in an existing Organization by requesting access to the Organization. The procedure for requesting and receiving first-time access to a VMware Cloud services Organization can differ based on your account.

The typical sequence of steps for signing up for VMware Cloud services through service onboarding is the following:


  1. Initiate the onboarding process from the service sign-up or from your invitation link.
  2. If you don't have VMware account, follow the steps to create one.
  3. If you already have a VMware account, sign in to VMware Cloud Services.
  4. Create or select a VMware Cloud services Organization in which to onboard the service.
  5. Once you onboard the service in an Organization, you become an Organization Owner who can invite other users and allow access to the Organization and its services:
    1. From the main left-side menu, select Identity & Access > Active Users.
    2. Click Add Users.
    3. Type the email address of the user you want to invite.
    4. Select Organization and service roles.
    5. Select the checkbox for email invitation to be sent to the new user, then click Add.
      The user receives an invitation email with a link to onboard themselves in the Organization with the roles you assigned.

What to do next

For more information and detailed procedures for the different service onboarding workflows, see the Getting Started with VMware Cloud Services guide.