You can use the VMware Cloud Director service migration tool to migrate your on-premises VMware Cloud Director installation to VMware Cloud Director service.

Use the migration tool to seamlessly migrate to VMware Cloud Director service while keeping your SDDC resources on-premises. After a successful migration, use VMware Cloud Director service to manage your on-premises SDDC resources.

To facilitate the migration, you can choose to create a file under the /tmp directory of your host with reusable parameters and the values for them, such as the host name for your on-premises instance, the organization ID for the VMware Cloud organization to which you migrate your deployment, and so on, in the following format.

During the migration, the migration tool prompts you to choose whether to use the values from the file, or to enter custom value for each parameter. If you choose not to create the file before the migration, the migration tool creates it and populates it with the values that you enter during the migration. You can then reuse the file for subsequent migrations.

Note: A migration can take between 10 minutes and a couple of hours, depending on the size of your VMware Cloud Director database and your internet bandwidth.
Table 1. Supported Migrations Paths
Source on-premises environment version VMware Cloud Director service Migration Support
VMware Cloud Director 10.3.3 VMware Cloud Director service (10.3.3)
VMware Cloud Director 10.4 VMware Cloud Director service (10.4)
VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1 VMware Cloud Director service (10.4.1)


  • To be able to check the compatibility between your on-premises VMware Cloud Director environment and VMware Cloud Director service, verify that the load balancer that is in front of your on-premises installation is publicly accessible.
  • Reach out to VMware support to verify that your VMware Cloud organization supports the migration. See How Do I File a VMware Cloud Director service Migration Support Request.
  • Verify that you installed curl, jq, zip, ssh, scp, sshpass and md5sum support packages on the host from which you plan to run the migration.
  • Obtain the VMware Cloud Director hostname, the administrator user name for it, and the administrator password.
  • Make a note of on-premises VMware Cloud Director deployment type - appliance or Linux-based.
  • If you are using an appliance deployment, make note of the primary and the cell OS credentials.
  • If you are using a Linux deployment, make note of the active cell OS credentials and of the external database host OS credentials.
  • Generate a VMware Cloud API token and save the token credentials. The scope of the token must contains the Administrator and NSX Cloud Admin service roles, as well as the Developer or the Organization Owner organization role. See How Do I Generate an API Token.
  • Verify that migration is supported for the VMware Cloud Director configuration that you are using. See Limitations to VMware Cloud Director to VMware Cloud Director service migration.
  • Verify that your on-premises configuration matches the scale maximums supported by VMware Cloud Director service. See Configuration Maximums for VMware Cloud Director Service.
  • Download the migration script from to the host from which you plan to run it.


  1. Run the command to start the migration tool.
  2. If you created a file, confirm the reuse of the file contents and skip to Step 5.
    1. When prompted, enter y to confirm the file reuse.
    2. When prompted, enter y to reuse the host name for on-premises VMware Cloud Director instance.
    3. When prompted, enter y to reuse the administrator user name.
  3. If prompted, enter the host name for the on-premises VMware Cloud Director instance.
  4. If prompted, enter the administrator user name or the on-premises VMware Cloud Director instance.
  5. When prompted, enter the administrator password or the on-premises VMware Cloud Director instance.
  6. When prompted, confirm or deny whether your on-premises deployment is appliance-based.
  7. If you are using an appliance deployment, enter the credentials for the primary VMware Cloud Director appliance cell.
    1. When prompted, enter the root user name for the cell or confirm the reuse of the value from the file.
    2. When prompted, enter a root password.
  8. If you are using a Linux installation, when prompted, enter the credentials for the database host.
    1. When prompted, enter the host name or confirm the reuse of the value from the file.
    2. When prompted, enter the database user name or confirm the reuse of the value from the file.
    3. When prompted, enter the database password.
  9. When prompted, enter the long organization ID for the VMware Cloud organization where you want to deploy your VMware Cloud Director service instance or confirm its reuse from the file.
  10. When prompted, enter the VMware Cloud API access token for the VMware Cloud organization that you generated.
  11. If you have more than one VMware Cloud Director service environments, when prompted, select an environment to which to migrate the VMware Cloud Director and enter the environment number.
  12. When prompted, enter a name for the VMware Cloud Director service instance to which to migrate your on-premises deployment.
    Your on-premises VMware Cloud Director instance is successfully migrated to VMware Cloud Director service.
  13. Associate the newly created VMware Cloud Director Instance with an SDDC via VMware Reverse Proxy.

Example: Migration to VMware Cloud Director service

This example shows the steps required to run the migration of a Linux deployment to VMware Cloud Director service by using the migration tool and a file.

Run the command to start the migration tool.


The tool prompts you to choose whether to use the file and to provide additional input at some steps.

The output for a successful migration looks similar to the following.
Migration Input properties file present, wish to reuse [y/n]: y
Script will reuse the input values located in /tmp/
Site FQDN name (found:, wish to reuse [y/n]: y
Site admin user name (found: administrator), wish to reuse [y/n]: y
Enter admin password for on-prem VCD site xxxxx
Successfully collected administrator credentials for
Is appliance based (found: false), wish to reuse [y/n]: y
Found active Cell:
Username for cell  (found: root), wish to reuse [y/n]: y
Enter password for cell xxxxxx
Successfully collected root credentials for
Successfully downloaded from
Found Database HOSTNAME:
Found Database Name: vcloud
Username for DB Host (found: root), wish to reuse [y/n]: y
Enter password for DB Host xxxxx
Successfully collected root credentials for
CSP ORG ID (found: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555), wish to reuse [y/n]: y
CSP ORG refresh Token (found: Ab4XdNsdMeNFVSHA8q3ze8ebR0t4Hik7lSs6DZJTFoF_wcQaTWw7U6O8ZLk6j4IM), wish to reuse [y/n]: y
Retrieving list of environments associated for org: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
Found following 4 environments in org: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
US West - Oregon (66666)
Australia - Sydney (77777)
Europe - Germany (88888)
Asia - Japan (99999)
Select environment for CDI migration: values (1-5)] : 1
Selected Environment: US West - Oregon (66666)
Compatibility Check Succeeded, found upgrade category: release-10.3:production
Successfully collected all required resources from for migration
Enter CDI Name to migrate: MigratedInstance
Uploading collected resources from for migration
Upload Resource Task URN: urn:vcdc:task:99999999-8888-7777-6666-555555555555
Setting up maintenance mode on all cloud cells
Entering maintenance mode on
Successfully entered maintenance mode.
Successfully entered maintenance mode on
Entering maintenance mode on
Successfully entered maintenance mode.
Successfully entered maintenance mode on
Entering maintenance mode on
Successfully entered maintenance mode.
Successfully entered maintenance mode on
Successfully entered maintenance mode on all cloud cells
Migrate to CDI Task ID: urn:vcdc:task:888888888-7777-6666-5555-4444444444444
Migrate to CDI task run status: IN_PROGRESS - Deploying instance
Migrate to CDI task run status: IN_PROGRESS - Waiting for service to be available
Migrate to CDI task run status: IN_PROGRESS - Backup VMware Cloud Director database schema
Migrate to CDI task run status: IN_PROGRESS - Waiting for all cells to be ready
Migrate to CDI task run status: IN_PROGRESS - Creating groups in system org
Migrate to CDI task run status: IN_PROGRESS - Integrating VCD micrometer metrics with Wavefront
Migrate to CDI task run status: SUCCESS -
Migrate to CDI status SUCCESS for task urn:vcdc:task:888888888-7777-6666-5555-4444444444444