Deploying a VMware Cloud Director instance is the first step in using the VMware Cloud Director service.

After you deploy a VMware Cloud Director instance, you can view information about it and perform management tasks. Create at least one VMware Cloud Director instance for every region for which you plan to allocate cloud resources on a per-tenant basis.



  1. Log in to VMware Cloud Director service.
  2. Click Cloud Director Instances.
  3. Click the Create Instance button.
  4. Enter the required information for your VMware Cloud Director instance.
    1. Enter a meaningful name for your VMware Cloud Director instance.
    2. From the Select an environment drop-down menu, select the VMware Cloud services provider environment in which you want to deploy your VMware Cloud Director instance.
    3. From the Select an upgrade category drop-down menu, select the upgrade track and station for the VMware Cloud Director instance.
    4. In the Administrator password and Confirm the administrator password text boxes, enter the password for the administrator user account.
      Important: The password must be at least eight characters long. It must contain a number, upper and lower case letters, and a special character. Special characters include an exclamation mark (!), hash (#), dollar sign ($), percent (%), parenthesis (()), ampersand (&), asterisk (*), and so on.
    5. Click Next.
  5. To confirm the initial and ongoing costs that are associated with the VMware Cloud Director instance, on the Acknowledge Cost page, select both check boxes.
  6. Click Create instance.


When the VMware Cloud Director instance is created, its card displays a Ready status.

What to do next

  • Associate a VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC instance with your VMware Cloud Director instance.
  • Use the Actions menu to manage the VMware Cloud Director instance you just created. Management actions include changing the administrator password for the VMware Cloud Director instance, associating the instance with a VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC, creating a support bundle, editing the DNS and certificate settings, or deleting the instance, as needed.