To authenticate the API requests made by the VMware Reverse Proxy client VM which you deployed during the VMware Cloud Director instance association with an SDDC, you must use a valid API token.

If the token that you use for API requests made by the VMware Reverse Proxy client VM expires, you must replace it with a newly generated API token.



  1. Power off the VMware Reverse Proxy client VM.
  2. Set the newly generated token as the csp-token in the vApp properties of the client VM.
  3. Power on the VMware Reverse Proxy client VM.
  4. Verify the network connectivity of the VM with the new API token.
    1. Log in to the OS of the VM as root.
    2. Run the command.
      If the VM is connected, the command returns the status as UP, and the status of the command_channel_1 and command_channel_2 as CONNECTED.