To fulfill the load balancer or proxy requirements, you can change the default endpoint Web addresses for the VMware Cloud Director Web Portal, VMware Cloud Director API, and console proxy.

You must configure the VMware Cloud Director public console proxy address, because the appliance uses a single IP address with custom port 8443 for the console proxy service. See Step 6.


Verify that you are logged in as a system administrator. Only a system administrator can customize the public endpoints.


  1. From the top navigation bar of the Service Provider Admin Portal, select Administration.
  2. In the left panel, under Settings, click Public Addresses.
  3. To customize the public endpoints, click Edit.
  4. To customize the VMware Cloud Director URLs, edit the Web Portal endpoints.
    1. Enter a custom VMware Cloud Director public URL for HTTPS (secure) connections and click Upload to upload the certificates that establish the trust chain for that endpoint.
      The certificate chain must match the certificate used by the service endpoint, which is the proxycertificates.pem certificate uploaded to each VMware Cloud Director cell. SSL termination of console proxy connections at a load balancer is not supported. The certificate chain must include an endpoint certificate, intermediate certificates, and a root certificate in the PEM format without a private key.
  5. (Optional) To customize the Cloud Director REST API and OpenAPI URLs, turn off the Use Web Portal Settings toggle.
    1. Enter a custom HTTP base URL.
      For example, if you set the HTTP base URL to, you can access the VMware Cloud Director API at, and you can access the VMware Cloud Director OpenAPI at
    2. Enter a custom HTTPS REST API base URL and click Upload to upload the certificates that establish the trust chain for that endpoint.
      For example, if you set the HTTPS REST API base URL to, you can access the VMware Cloud Director API at, and you can access the VMware Cloud Director OpenAPI at
      The certificate chain must match the certificate used by the service endpoint, which is either the certificates.pem certificate uploaded to each VMware Cloud Director cell or the load balancer VIP certificate if an SSL termination is used. The certificate chain must include an endpoint certificate, intermediate certificates, and a root certificate in the PEM format without a private key.
  6. Enter a custom VMware Cloud Director public console proxy address.
    This address is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the VMware Cloud Director appliance eth0 NIC, specified either by FQDN or IP address, with custom port 8443 for the console proxy service.
    For example, for a VMware Cloud Director appliance instance with FQDN, enter
    VMware Cloud Director uses the console proxy address when opening a remote console window on a VM.
  7. To save your changes, click Save.