From the tenant portal you can create, edit, import, and delete users. In addition, you can also unlock user accounts in case a user tried to log in with an incorrect password and as a result has locked their own user account.
What to read next
Create a User You can create a user within your VMware Cloud Director organization.
Import Users You can add users to your organizations by importing an LDAP user or a SAML user and assigning them a certain role.
Modify a User As an organization administrator, you can modify the password, the contact, and the virtual machine quota settings of an existing user. In addition, you can also change the role of the user.
Deactivate or Activate a User Account You can deactivate a user account to prevent that user from logging in to VMware Cloud Director . To delete a user, you must first deactivate their account.
Delete a User You can remove a user from the VMware Cloud Director organization by deleting the user account.
Unlock a Locked Out User Account In case you have enabled a lockout policy in your VMware Cloud Director organization, a user account is locked after a certain number of invalid login attempts. You can unlock the locked user account. Best practice is to change the password of the user and unlock the account.
Manage the Resource Quotas of a User You can manage the overall resource consumption limit of a user. You can add, edit, and remove the user's quotas on VMs, Tanzu Kubernetes clusters, CPU, memory, or storage.
Manage the Access Token of a User Starting with VMware Cloud Director 10.3.1, you can generate and issue API access tokens. Administrators with the Manage all users' API tokens right can view and revoke the access tokens of the other tenant users in the organization.