Starting with VMware Cloud Director 10.3.1, you can add a DHCP relay to an NSX edge gateway that is associated with your organization VDC network.

In DHCP Relay mode, when a guest OS transmits a DHCP request for an IP address and related metadata, the NSX edge gateway receives the request and relays it to a designated DHCP server in your physical DHCP infrastructure as a unicast flow. When the response is received by the relay, it is forwarded to the requesting guest OS.


  • Verify that you are an organization administrator, system administrator, or that you are assigned a role that includes an equivalent set of rights.

  • Verify that the network for which you want to activate DHCP is routed and that an NSX edge gateway is associated with it.
  • Verify that DHCP forwarding is enabled on the edge gateway. See Enable DHCP Forwarding on an NSX Edge Gateway.


  1. In the top navigation bar, click Networking.
  2. Click the name of the network in which you want to activate DHCP relay mode.
  3. In the IP Management section, click DHCP.
  4. Click Activate.
  5. Select Relay DHCP mode and click Next.
  6. Review your settings and click Finish.