An IP space consists of a set of defined non-overlapping IP ranges and small CIDR blocks that are reserved and used during the consumption aspect of the IP space life cycle. An IP space can be either IPv4 or IPv6, but not both.

Starting with VMware Cloud Director 10.4.1, you can use IP Spaces for your IP address management needs.

There are two types of IP spaces that you can use as an organization administrator.

Public IP Space
A public IP space is used by multiple organizations and is controlled by the service provider through a quota-based system.
Private IP Space
Private IP spaces are dedicated to a single tenant - a private IP space is used only by one organization that is specified during the IP space creation. For this organization, IP consumption is unlimited.

If your system administrator has assigned your organization a private IP space, or if an edge gateway in your environment is connected to a provider gateway which is associated to a public IP space, you can allocate IP prefixes and floating IP addresses.