Depending on your role and access level, you can share a catalog with different users, groups, and organizations.


  • Verify that you are logged in as a Catalog Author or a role with an equivalent set of rights.

  • Verify that you are the owner of the catalog.

  • If you want to share a catalog with other organizations, verify that your system administrator enabled both catalog sharing options for your organization. See Configure Catalogs for a VMware Cloud Director Organization in the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Guide.


  1. From the primary left navigation panel, select Content Hub and from the secondary navigation panel, select Catalogs.
    The list of catalogs appears in a grid view.
  2. Click the list bar (Context menu) on the left of the catalog you want to share, and select Share.
    The list of users who can access the catalog appears in the grid view of the Share Catalog window.
  3. Select with what users and groups to share the catalog.
    Option Description
    All Principals Grant access to all users and groups in the organization.
    Specific Principals Select the users or groups to whom you want to grant catalog access.
  4. Select the access level.
    Option Description
    Read Only Users with access to this catalog have read access to the vApp templates and ISO files of the catalog.
    Read/Write Users with access to this catalog have read access to the vApp templates and ISO files of the catalog and can add vApp templates and ISO files to the catalog.
    Full Control Users with access to this catalog have full control of the contents and settings of the catalog.
  5. (Optional) If the system administrator enabled both catalog sharing options for this organization, in the Organizations tab, select with which organizations you want to share the catalog.
    Note: The Organizations tab is visible only if both catalog sharing options for this organization are enabled in the Service Provider Admin Portal.
    • If you are a system administrator, you can share Read-share access with sub-provider organizations from the Share with specific organizations option. This allows sub-providers to re-share catalogs. All other roles can share only Read Only access.

      When logging in to a sub-provider organization with Read-share access to a catalog, you can re-share the catalog only with the sub-provider's tenants.

      Note: You can see only your own catalog access control settings. If you share Read-share access to a catalog with a sub-provider, but do not share the catalog with their tenant, when the sub-provider re-shares the catalog, you might not see that the catalog was shared with the sub-provider's tenant. For example, if you access organization Tenant 1 and share Read-share access to a catalog with organization Sub-Provider 1, but do not share it with their tenants, from the Tenant 1 organization, the catalog always appears as not shared with the tenants of Sub-Provider 1. The sharing status does not share if the sub-provider re-shares the catalog. If the sub-provider re-shares the catalog with their tenants and you access the organization Sub-Provider 1, you can see that the catalog is shared with their tenants. Also, if you access the Tenant Portal of the tenant of Sub-Provider 1, you cannot open the catalog's Share modal.

      You can see the following options if as a system administrator, you are in a tenant organization (not a sub-provider organization).

      Option Description
      Do not share Select this option if you do not want to share the catalog with any organizations.
      Share with all provider-managed organizations Select this option if you want to share the catalog with all organizations that you, as a service provider, manage directly, such as your sub-providers and direct tenants. This option excludes the tenant's of your sub-provider organizations.
      Share with specific organizations Select this option if you want to share the catalog with specific organizations.

      When selecting this option, you can select sub-provider organizations with which to share Read-share access to a catalog. This access level allows your sub-providers to re-share catalogs with their tenants.

      Note: As a system administrator in a sub-provider organization, you can see also the sub-provider options described below.
    • If you are a sub-provider you can share only Read Only access to catalogs. If a system administrator shares Read-share access to a catalog with your organization, you can re-share the catalog only with your tenants.
      Option Description
      Do not share Select this option if you do not want to share the catalog with any organizations.
      Share with all provider-managed organizations Select this option if you want to share the catalog with all organizations that the service provider manages directly, such as direct provider tenants and other sub-providers. This option excludes your tenants and the tenants of other sub-provider organizations.
      Share with your managed organizations Select this option if you want to share the catalog with all organizations that your sub-provider organization manages.
      Share with your managed organizations and all provider-managed organizations Select this option if you want to share the catalog with all organizations that the service provider manages directly and all tenant organizations that you manage as a sub-provider.
      Share with specific organizations Select this option if you want to share the catalog with specific organizations.
  6. Click Save.


On the Catalogs tab, the Shared status for this catalog in the grid view changes.