As a sub-provider, you can create only organization VDCs with elastic Flex allocation model.

With a flex VDC, you can control the resource consumption at both the VDC and the individual VM levels. The flex allocation model supports the capabilities of organization VDC compute policies. It supports all allocation configurations that are available in the other allocation models.

An elastic flex organization VDC spans and uses all resource pools associated with its provider VDC.


  1. Log in to a sub-provider organization as a sub-provider administrator.
  2. From the primary left navigation panel, select Data Centers, and click New Virtual Data Center.
    You can also create an organization VDC from Cloud Resources > Organization VDCs.
  3. Enter a name and, optionally, a description for the new organization VDC.
  4. (Optional) To deactivate the new organization VDC upon creation, turn off the Enable the organization VDC toggle.
    Users cannot deploy vApps on a deactivated organization VDC.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the provider VDC resources backing this organization VDC, and click Next.
    The list displays all provider VDC grants for your sub-provider organization.
  7. Select the VDC limits, allocations, and reservations.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Configure the storage settings for this organization VDC, and click Next.
    The list contains the activated storage policies on the source provider VDC.
    1. Select the check boxes of one or more storage policies that you want to add to this organization VDC.
    2. (Optional) To limit the amount of the allocated storage capacity for a selected storage policy, select Limited from the drop-down menu in the Allocation Type cell, and enter the maximum capacity in the Allocated Storage cell.
    3. (Optional) To change the default storage policy, from the Default instantiation policy drop-down menu, select the target default storage policy.
      VMware Cloud Director uses the default storage policy for all virtual machine provisioning operations where the storage policy is not specified at the virtual machine or vApp template level.
    4. (Optional) To activate thin provisioning for virtual machines in the organization VDC, turn on the Thin provisioning toggle.
    5. (Optional) To deactivate fast provisioning for virtual machines in the organization VDC, turn off the Fast provisioning toggle.
  10. If you are not using NSX tenancy, configure the network pool settings for this organization VDC, and click Next.
    VMware Cloud Director uses the network pool to create vApp networks and internal organization VDC networks.
    • To skip adding a network pool at this stage, turn off the Use Network Pool toggle.
    • To configure a network pool, select the radio button next to the name of the target network pool, and enter the quota for this organization VDC.

      The quota is the maximum number of provisioned networks in the organization VDC backed by this network pool. Must not exceed the number of the available networks for the selected network pool.

  11. Review the Ready to Complete page, and click Finish.