When setting up user access, assign your users "roles" so that they can perform specific tasks in VMware Cloud Flex Storage.

Organization and Service Roles

VMware Cloud Services has two general categories of roles: organization and service.

Organization roles provide capabilities for working with the VMware Cloud Services platform, such as adding users and setting permissions. Service roles provide capabilities related directly to a specific VMware Cloud service.

The ability to activate the first region for an organization requires the Organization Owner role.

VMware Cloud Flex Storage also requires the following two VMware Cloud service roles:
  • VMware Cloud on AWS Administrator
  • VMware Cloud on AWS NSX Cloud Admin

The users you invite also need at least one VMware Cloud Flex Storage service roles to access the UI to manage regions.

VMware Cloud Flex Storage Roles

VMware Cloud Flex Storage roles are scoped across all activated regions and datastores. The following table describes each VMware Cloud Flex Storage role and the features each role permits. Match the user role in each column with the capabilities in each row.
 Capability Organization Owner plus any VMware Cloud Flex Storage role Storage Admin Filesystem Admin Filesystem delete restricted Storage Auditor

Configure email alerts

Check mark icon. Check mark icon.

Create datastore

Check mark icon.  Check mark icon. Check mark icon.   

Delete datastore

Check mark icon.  Check mark icon.  

Mount cluster to datastore

 Check mark icon. Check mark icon. Check mark icon.   

Unmount cluster from datastore

Check mark icon. Check mark icon. Check mark icon.

View data

Check mark icon. Check mark icon. Check mark icon. Check mark icon. Check mark icon.
The following table describes all roles and operations related to storage regions and subscriptions.
Capability Organization Owner Global Console Admin Deployment Admin (activation) Deployment Admin (deactivation) Subscription Admin

View existing deployments and their metadata.

Check mark icon. Check mark icon. Check mark icon.

Activate or deactivate a region.

Check mark icon.

(Only required for first region activation.)

Check mark icon. Check mark icon.

Delete a partial/failed activation.

Check mark icon. Check mark icon.

Delete any of the existing activations in any of the regions.

Check mark icon.

View term subscriptions and pricing

Check mark icon. Check mark icon.

Create new subscriptions

Check mark icon. Check mark icon.
Create /recreate VMware Cloud Flex Storage OAuth app Check mark icon. Check mark icon.