This section provides usage information for the VMware Cloud Foundation SDDC skip-level upgrade tool command line interface (CLI).

-c,--copy-bundles Copies and uploads bundles to the specified directory on SDDC Manager VM. Can be combined with download bundles option to simultaneously copy and upload bundles to SDDC Manager.

Required input parameters can be specified via a file using input option.

-d,--download-bundles Downloads bundles required for the skip-level upgrade.

Bundles can be downloaded in offline mode Connectivity to SDDC Manager is not required if this option is not combined with copy bundles.

Source and target versions have to be specified as input. Required input parameters can be specified via a file using input option.

Install bundles for the target release required for new workload domain creation can also be downloaded.

--dm, --download-manifest Download the skip-level upgrade manifest. Downloaded manifest file is saved to tool's output location.
-e,--enable-cumulative-upgrades Enable VMware software cumulative upgrades.

Can be used only if VMware Cloud Foundation is upgraded to target version. Cannot be combined with download, copy and upgrade options.

-h,--help Displays help.
-i, --input<string> Specifies the path to file containing input parameters for the tool.

A sample file is available at conf/skiplevelupgrade/userInputs.json.

-m, --manifest<string> Specifies the path to the skip-level upgrade manifest file.
-p,--skip-prevalidation Skip pre-validation before upgrade.
-r,--release-view Displays list of VMware Cloud Foundation releases available on the depot.
-s,--skip-snapshot Skip creating a snapshot of the SDDC Manager VM before upgrade.
--sv,--skip-vxrail-upgrade Skips VxRail deployment related download and upgrade tasks. Ignored on non-VxRail setups.
-u,--upgrade Perform SDDC Manager skip level upgrade.

Can be combined with copy bundles option to start upgrade after bundles are copied.

Required input parameters can be specified via a file using input option.

--up,--upgrade-precheck Performs upgrade prechecks on the management domain.

Can be used as a standalone option. By default, a precheck is performed on the management domain when using the upgrade option (-u,--upgrade).

-v, --version Displays skip-level upgrade tool version.
--vb,--verify-bundles Verifies bundles on SDDC Manager and lists any missing bundles required for performing a skip level upgrade. Lists any missing install bundle required for new workload domain creation. This option can be used as a precheck for required bundles before starting a skip level upgrade.

Required input parameters can be specified via a file using input option.