You can use the Workflow Optimization script to perform all of the steps to add a VxRail cluster in one place.

The Workflow Optimzation script uses the VMware Cloud Foundation on Dell EMC VxRail API to perform all of the steps to add a VxRail cluster in one place. See Create a Cluster with Workflow Optimization for more information about the API.


  • Image the workload domain nodes. For information on imaging the nodes, refer to Dell EMC VxRail documentation.
  • The IP addresses and Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) for the ESXi hosts, VxRail Manager, and NSX Manager instances must be resolvable by DNS.
  • If you are using DHCP for the NSX Host Overlay Network, a DHCP server must be configured on the NSX Host Overlay VLAN of the management domain. When NSX-T Data Center creates TEPs for the VI workload domain, they are assigned IP addresses from the DHCP server.
  • Change the VxRail Manager IP Address
  • Update the VxRail Manager Certificate


  1. Download the .zip file for the Workflow Optimzation script.
  2. Unzip the file and copy the directory to the /home/vcf directory on the SDDC Manager VM.
    4.5.1 and 4.5.2 directory: WorkflowOptimization-VCF-4510-master
    4.5 directory: WorkflowOptimization-VCF-4500-master
  3. Using SSH, log in to the SDDC Manager VM with the user name vcf and the password you specified in the deployment parameter sheet.
  4. In the /home/vcf/WorkflowOptimization-VCF-4510-master directory, run python
  5. Enter the coresponding option for Add Cluster.
  6. When prompted, select a workload domain to which you want to import the cluster.
  7. Select Step by step input.
  8. Enter the cluster name.
  9. Enter the VxRail Manager FQDN.
  10. To trust the ssl and ssh thumbprint, enter Y.
  11. Select desired nodes (minimum of two number with comma separation).
  12. Enter FQDN each hosts.
  13. Enter passwords for the discovered hosts.
    • Enter a single password for all the discovered hosts.
    • Enter passwords individually for each discovered host.
  14. Enter the vSAN Network details.
    Option Description
    vSAN Network
    • VLAN Id
    • CIDR
    • Subnet mask
    • Gateway IP
    • IP Range (assign one per host from step 12)
  15. Enter the vMotion Network details.
    Option Description
    vMotion Network
    • VLAN Id
    • CIDR
    • Subnet mask
    • Gateway IP
    • IP Range (assign one per host from step 12)
  16. When prompted, enter Y to provide the Management Network details.
  17. Enter the Management Network details.
    Option Description
    Management Network
    • VLAN Id
    • CIDR
    • Subnet mask
    • Gateway IP
  18. Select the NIC profile.
  19. Select the vSphere Distributed Switch (vDS) option to Separate DVS for overlay traffic.
  20. Enter the vDS details.
    Option Description
    • System name
    • Portgroup name for Management, VSAN, and VMOTION
  21. Enter the Overlay name.
  22. Choose the NICs for overlay traffic (minimum of two number with comma separation).
    Getting shared NSX-T cluster information...
  23. Enter the Geneve VLAN ID.
    Existing NSX-T instance information is shown.
  24. Select the IP allocation method for the Host Overlay Network TEPs.
    Option Description
    DHCP With this option VMware Cloud Foundation uses DHCP for the Host Overlay Network TEPs.

    A DHCP server must be configured on the NSX-T host overlay (Host TEP) VLAN. When NSX creates TEPs for the VI workload domain, they are assigned IP addresses from the DHCP server.

    Static IP Pool With this option VMware Cloud Foundation uses a static IP pool for the Host Overlay Network TEPs. You can re-use an existing IP pool or create a new one.
    To create a new static IP Pool provide the following information:
    • Pool Name
    • Description
    • CIDR
    • IP Range.
    • Gateway IP
    Make sure the IP range includes enough IP addresses for the number of hosts that will use the static IP Pool. The number of IP addresses required depends on the number of pNICs on the ESXi hosts that are used for the vSphere Distributed Switch that handles host overlay networking. For example, a host with four pNICs that uses two pNICs for host overlay traffic requires two IP addresses in the static IP pool.
    Note: You cannot stretch a cluster that uses static IP addresses for the NSX-T Host Overlay Network TEPs.
  25. Enter and confirm the VxRail Manager root and admin passwords.
  26. Select the license keys for VMware vSAN and NSX-T, and apply a vSphere license.
    Note: If you are using VCF+, license keys are not required.
  27. Press Enter to begin the validation process.
  28. When validation succeeds, press Enter to import the primary VxRail cluster.
    The Adding VxRail Cluster workflow status can be monitored using the SDDC Manager UI in the Tasks widget and clicking REFRESH.