You must provide the VMware Imaging Appliance service with certain network information specific to your environment before you can image your servers. This information is contained in the file on the VMware Cloud Builder appliance.


  1. SSH into the VMware Cloud Builder appliance using the credentials specified when you deployed the VM. See Deploy VMware Cloud Builder Appliance.
  2. Type su to switch to the root user.
  3. Navigate to the /opt/vmware/evorack-imaging/config/ directory.
  4. Update the file with your network information.
    1. If the VMware Cloud Builder appliance is using the eth0 interface (default), then you do not need to modify any of the properties in Section A. If the VMware Cloud Builder appliance has multiple network interfaces and is not using eth0, you must update the following properties.
      Property Description Interface of the VMware Cloud Builder appliance configured in management network.
      via.web.url The IP address used to access the VMware Imaging Appliance service UI. Update this with the IP address of VMware Cloud Builder appliance in the management network. Update this with the IP address of VMware Cloud Builder appliance in the management network.
      via.dhcp.esxi.tftpServer IP address of the server where TFTP is running. Update this with the IP address of VMware Cloud Builder appliance in the management network.
      via.config.remote.pxe=false Do not modify.
    2. Update Section B with the network information for your environment.
      Property Description
      via.dhcp.netmask Netmask of the management network.
      via.dhcp.subnet Subnet of the management network.
      via.dhcp.routers Gateway IP of the management network. CIDR notation for subnet IP of the management network.
  5. Type systemctl restart imaging.service to restart the imaging service.
    Wait for the imaging service to restart.
  6. Type systemctl status imaging.service to verify that the imaging service is running.

What to do next

Log in to the VMware Imaging Appliance service and upload software.