In order to activate the VMware Cloud Foundation cloud account, you must first remove the exiting vCenter Server Adapter and the associated credentials created automatically by SDDC Manager.

UI Procedure

  1. Log in to the VMware Aria Operations interface at https://<aria_operations_fqdn> with a user assigned the Administrator role.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Data sources > Integrations.

  3. Click the Accounts tab.

  4. Remove the vCenter cloud account.
    1. Expand the vCenter account, click the vertical ellipsis, and click Delete all.
    2. In the Delete all accounts dialog box, select the Delete related objects check box and click Delete.
  5. Remove the vCenter and vSAN credentials.
    1. Click Credentials.
    2. Click the vertical ellipsis for the credential with adapter type vCenter and click Delete.
    3. In the Confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
    4. Click the vertical ellipsis for the credential with adapter type vSAN adapter and click Delete.
    5. In the Confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

PowerShell Procedure

  1. Start PowerShell.

  2. Replace the values in the sample code with values from your VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook and run the commands in the PowerShell console.

    $sddcManagerFqdn = ""
    $sddcManagerUser = "[email protected]"
    $sddcManagerPass = "VMw@re1!"
  3. Perform the configuration by running the command in the PowerShell console.

    Remove-DefaultAdapters -server $sddcManagerFqdn -user $sddcManagerUser -pass $sddcManagerPAss