Verify that the VMware Aria Operations cluster nodes are sending syslog data to the corresponding VMware Aria Operations for Logs cluster.

Validate the communication between theVMware Aria Operations nodes and the VMware Aria Operations for Logs cluster to ensure that there is network connectivity between the two solutions.

Expected Outcome

VMware Aria Operations for Logs shows interactive analytics for VMware Aria Operations events.

UI Procedure

  1. Log in to VMware Aria Operations for Logs at https://<aria_operations_logs_fqdn> with a user assigned the Admin role.

  2. Click Explore Logs.

  3. In the search text box, enter fqdn of any of the analytics cluster node, from the drop-down menu, select Latest hour of data, and click on Search.

  4. On the Events tab, verify that the VMware Aria Operations nodes generate events.

If you encounter issues while performing this procedure, use the following troubleshooting tips.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure that there is network connectivity between VMware Aria Operations for Logs and VMware Aria Operations .

  • Ensure that VMware Aria Operations is configured properly to send syslog data to VMware Aria Operations for Logs.

PowerShell Procedure

  1. Start PowerShell.

  2. Replace the values in the sample code with values from your VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook and run the commands in the PowerShell console.

    $sddcManagerFqdn = ""
    $sddcManagerUser = "[email protected]"
    $sddcManagerPass = "VMw@re1!
  3. Perform the configuration by running the command in the PowerShell console.

    Request-vROpsLogForwardingConfig -server $sddcManagerFqdn -user $sddcManagerUser -pass $sddcManagerPass